The database of free images –

Databáze obrázků zdarma

If you are creating a website or writing a blog, you certainly know the situation when you need to find graphic materials. It doesn’t matter whether it’s icons for the menu, feature images for articles, or anything else. If you download images that are publicly available through, for example, Google search, they are subject to … Read more

What is the difference between a website and a landing page?

Jaký je rozdíl mezi webovou stránkou a landing page?

When creating a website, whether on WordPress or using other systems, you can choose several strategies to target your customers or users. One of the strategies is how the page will look and what purpose it will primarily serve. Essentially, the page can be divided into the aforementioned landing page or a classic website. In … Read more

Why is the website not displaying correctly on Facebook?

Proč se web na Facebooku nezobrazuje správně?

You may have noticed that the Facebook app has started using its own internal web page browser. This means that every time you click on a link in the app, the page is displayed in Facebook’s internal browser, within the Facebook app, instead of in the default browser like Chrome or Firefox. This can be … Read more

The problem with HTTPS and mixed content

Problém s HTTPS a mixovaným obsahem

HTTPS is a protocol that provides encrypted communication between the server and your browser. Simply put, this means that everything you send to or receive from the server is encrypted. So, if you enter your credit card number in your browser, the data is first encrypted, sent to the server, and then decrypted into readable … Read more

What is a URL address?

Co je to URL adresa

Many people don’t see a big difference between a URL and a domain name. Both are strings of characters that are entered into the address bar. However, there is a difference and it’s not small. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what is a URL address, what it consists of, and what … Read more

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