Tool for tracking user behavior on the web

Nástroj pro sledování chování uživatelů na webu

Getting to know your website users can be crucial in terms of designing the website layout and its interactive elements. As a website owner, you would agree that it’s important to know what your website users are doing. Or, where they are clicking too. Based on such data, you are able to adjust or relocate … Read more

WordPress fatal memory error after upgrading to version 6.2.

Vyčerpání paměti u WordPressu po přechodu na verzi 6.2

After the release of the WordPress update to version 6.2, users across the internet are still reporting website crashes. Typically, these crashes result in a critical error message indicating a memory limit has been exceeded. Once this occurs, the website becomes completely non-functional, and it’s impossible to access the WordPress administration panel. Given the large … Read more

Converting images to .webp

Konverze obrázků do .webp

When it comes to optimizing your website for faster loading times, you might have wondered what image format you should be using. The choice of image format can be crucial when you’re not only optimizing for search engines but also for performance. In the past, formats like .jpg, .jpeg, and .png were commonly used, but … Read more

The robots.txt file and its significance on the web

Soubor robots.txt a jeho význam na webu

The robots.txt file is one of the most important files on a website. This file serves as a guide for search engine crawlers and robots, which crawl through web pages and index them for search results. Without a robots.txt file, crawlers would have to go through the entire website, which can cause unnecessary server load … Read more

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