How to easily disable WordPress login with e-mail address

Jak zakázat přihlášení do WordPressu pomocí e-mailové adresy

Administration of WordPress allows login by default using username and password. As login, you can choose either an email address or the administrator’s username. From a security perspective, can an email address pose a security risk? Why? The overwhelming majority of website owners have their email addresses in contacts directly on the website. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, this email address also serves as the login to WordPress. For a potential attacker, this makes it one of the known access credentials. Just guessing the password is enough. Fortunately, it is possible to disable … Read more

WP Rocket – Server Outages Slow Down WordPress Websites

WP Rocket - výpadky serverů zpomalují WordPress weby

In the past few days, WP Media, the creator of the popular WP Rocket plugin, faced a massive DDoS attack on their servers. This resulted in significant slowdowns for all WordPress websites using this plugin. The company also published this information on their Twitter channel, clearly stating that their server outages are slowing down WordPress websites using their plugin. License validation The slowdown of websites with this plugin occurred due to license verification. WP Rocket is a paid plugin, and to use it, you need a license key. When loading your pages, the plugin verifies … Read more

4 Best And Premium Plugins For Better WordPress (2024)

Top prémiové pluginy pro WordPress

WordPress is a great content management system that can be scaled according to your needs. Many plugins are free and allow you to greatly extend your system with features that WordPress natively does not have. However, there are also premium plugins that you need to pay for. Payment can be one-time, or the plugin may be in an annual or monthly subscription mode. On this website, I currently use 4 premium plugins. Let’s take a look at what they are. WPForms – Elite In my opinion, WPForms is currently among the best premium plugins for … Read more

How to easily mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress

Jak ztížit brute force útok do WordPressu

WordPress is a system currently used by approximately 40% of websites worldwide. Due to its widespread use, it is also a relatively common target for hackers seeking to access your data or simply damage your website. A brute force attack is a technique where a hacker tries usernames and passwords repeatedly until they find the correct combination. In this article, we will demonstrate how to mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress using three methods that are effective. How to mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress – 3 proven methods Method 1 – Disable … Read more

How To Easily Create A Contact Form With Multiple Recipients

Potřebujete na WordPressu vytvořit kontaktní formulář s více příjemci? V tomto článku Vám ukáži, jak to můžete jednoduše provést pomocí pluginu WPForms.

Do you need to create a contact or other form on your WordPress site that must have multiple recipients? Typically, you might want, for example, a contact form to go to the website owner while also reaching customer support. You can achieve this using a simple trick within the WPForms plugin. In this article, I’ll show you how to create contact form with multiple recipients using WPForms. The entire process is very straightforward. Installing the Contact Form Plugin For these purposes, I’ll use arguably the best plugin currently available for contact forms in WordPress, which … Read more

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