Tips and tricks for Elementor #5

tips and tricks for Elementor plugin

Elementor is an increasingly popular website editor built on the WordPress content management system. Elementor, both in its PRO version and free version, includes various features that may not be immediately visible. In the following series about tips and tricks, I would like to take a closer look at some of them and demonstrate them through examples. So let’s get started and explore more tips and tricks for Elementor #5. 1.) Dark and Light Interface Themes In Elementor, you can change the interface theme to either dark or light. The dark theme is designed with … Read more

Tips and tricks for Elementor #4


Elementor is becoming an increasingly popular website editor built on the WordPress content management system. Elementor, both in its PRO and free version, contains various features that are not, or minimally, visible at first glance. In the following series of tips and tricks for Elementor, I would like to take a closer look at some of them and show them through examples in a series format. Let’s get started. Tips and tricks for Elementor 1.) Global Widget A Global Widget is an Elementor feature primarily used to create a widget that is used on multiple … Read more

Tips and tricks for Elementor #3


Elementor is becoming an increasingly popular website editor built on the WordPress content management system. Elementor, both in its PRO and free version, contains various features that are not, or minimally, visible at first glance. In the following series of tips and tricks for Elementor, I would like to take a closer look at some of them and show them through examples in a series format. Let’s get started for “tips and tricks for Elementor #3”. Tips and tricks for Elementor #3 1.) Reversed Columns Since your website will be used by visitors on various devices, it … Read more

Tips and tricks for Elementor #2


Elementor is becoming an increasingly popular website editor built on the WordPress content management system. Elementor, both in its PRO and free version, contains various features that are not, or minimally, visible at first glance. In the following series of tips and tricks for Elementor #2, I would like to take a closer look at some of them and show them through examples in a series format. Let’s get started. Tips and tricks for Elementor #2 1.) Maintenance mode Many people use an external plugin for maintenance mode. But what is maintenance mode? If you are making … Read more

Tips and tricks for Elementor #1


Elementor is becoming an increasingly popular website editor built on the WordPress content management system. Elementor, both in its PRO and free version, contains various features that are not, or minimally, visible at first glance. In the following series of tips and tricks for Elementor #1, I would like to take a closer look at some of them and show them through examples in a series format. Let’s get started. Tips and tricks for Elementor #1 1.) Elementor Finder If you are logged in to your WordPress administration and browsing your website using Elementor, you may come … Read more

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