WP Rocket – Server Outages Slow Down WordPress Websites

WP Rocket - výpadky serverů zpomalují WordPress weby

In the past few days, WP Media, the creator of the popular WP Rocket plugin, faced a massive DDoS attack on their servers. This resulted in significant slowdowns for all WordPress websites using this plugin. The company also published this information on their Twitter channel, clearly stating that their server outages are slowing down WordPress websites using their plugin. License validation The slowdown of websites with this plugin occurred due to license verification. WP Rocket is a paid plugin, and to use it, you need a license key. When loading your pages, the plugin verifies … Read more

How to fix 0x80072f8f – 0x20000 when Update Windows 7 to 10

Update Windows 7 na Windows 10 - chyba 0x80072f8f - 0x20000

I’ve got my hands on an older notebook that needed a Windows 7 reinstall followed by an upgrade to Windows 10. Sounds like a straightforward task. Although automatic update through Windows Update isn’t possible anymore, Microsoft still provides the Media Creation Tool for such purposes. Using this tool, you should be able to upgrade the old operating system to the new one. Well, until this tool starts reporting an unidentified error 0x80072f8f – 0x20000. The update simply isn’t possible. Error 0x80072f8f – 0x20000 You can find many guides on the internet on how to fix … Read more

A Proven Certified course to easily gain SEO knowledge

Certifikovaný kurz pro získání SEO znalostí

Are you interested in SEO and want to improve in it? Try A Proven Certified course to easily gain SEO knowledge on udemy.com. Currently priced at 12 Euros for a 14-hour course. Do you own a website, blog, or e-shop and feel a bit lost in optimizing it for search engines? There’s certainly a vast amount of text available online from which you can draw knowledge. However, a video course that covers all topics comprehensively is simply much better. That’s why I’d like to draw your attention this time to a certified course for gaining … Read more

Certified courses worth tens of Euros completely for free

kurzy v hodnotě desítek Eur zdarma

Are you looking for ways to advance your career from home in the evenings? Perhaps you’re searching for courses that interest you, offering the chance to gain new knowledge? This is where the portal https://udemy.com comes in, offering such courses. While the courses are certified, unfortunately, they are paid for some. And the prices aren’t always budget-friendly. If the courses aren’t on sale, they can often cost up to 90 Euros, which is quite a lot. However, there is a way to access these certified courses worth tens of Euros for free. And by that, … Read more

OpenAI has its own search robot called GPTBot

OpenAI má vlastního vyhledávacího robota GPTBot

Just as the internet is crawled by Google, Yahoo, or the Russian Yandex, GPTBot has now become a part of the family of other search robots. The company OpenAI released it on the internet for a simple reason. OpenAI has released it on the internet for a simple reason. It will be indexing web content, and the company will use the information for the development and training of new models within the GPT family. OpenAI has its own search robot called GPTBot, specifically on Microsoft’s servers, with which it collaborates closely. Similar to other robots, … Read more

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