Important points to know when changing the WordPress theme

SEznam bodů, které potřebujete znát když měníte vzhled svého WordPressu

The website appearance is a crucial factor that allows you to quickly turn a casual visitor into a regular one. How people feel on your website significantly influences whether they will return, read your content, or immediately leave to find information elsewhere. Therefore, it’s important not to underestimate the choice of the template. So, what … Read more

Easy Way To Displaying The Article Update In WordPress

Are you blogging on WordPress and have been doing so for a while? Then you might have an inkling that some of your articles are outdated and need an update. Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t inherently account for this, displaying only the date of the article’s initial publication. This could be counterproductive when a potential reader stumbles … Read more

How to modify the length of the excerpt in WordPress

Jak upravit délku výňatku článku ve WordPressu

If you use the popular WordPress editorial system for your blog, you might be aware that it provides two options for displaying articles on the homepage. You can either show only an excerpt of the article or display the entire article. The choice is yours. In WordPress, we refer to the excerpt as ‘excerpt,’ and … Read more

How to create a mega menu easily with Elementor

Jak snadno vytvoříte mega menu pomocí Elementoru

If you’re dealing with designing your own website, you probably already know that the website menu will be crucial for your visitors. It’s the main guide through which they can navigate the site. The trend in today’s websites is replacing traditional and outdated menus with a new method called a mega menu. As the name … Read more

How easily can you create a Mega Menu in the GeneratePress?

Jak snadno vytvoříte Mega Menu v šabloně GeneratePress

GeneratePress is an amazing template you’ll quickly fall in love with. It’s simple, easy to customize, and boasts fantastic customer support. If you encounter any issues with the template, customer support responds within minutes during business hours, or within a few hours otherwise. They’ve always provided solutions and assistance whenever I needed it. This template … Read more

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