How to fix 0x80072f8f – 0x20000 when Update Windows 7 to 10

Update Windows 7 na Windows 10 - chyba 0x80072f8f - 0x20000

I’ve got my hands on an older notebook that needed a Windows 7 reinstall followed by an upgrade to Windows 10. Sounds like a straightforward task. Although automatic update through Windows Update isn’t possible anymore, Microsoft still provides the Media Creation Tool for such purposes. Using this tool, you should be able to upgrade the old operating system to the new one. Well, until this tool starts reporting an unidentified error 0x80072f8f – 0x20000. The update simply isn’t possible. Error 0x80072f8f – 0x20000 You can find many guides on the internet on how to fix … Read more

How To Prevent Text Copying From A WordPress Website

Jak zabránit kopírování textu z WordPress webu

The issue of protecting intellectual property is quite crucial nowadays. Therefore, if you own a website or blog, protecting your ownership should be a priority. Regarding web presence, it’s quite common for other entities to copy text or visual content. I, myself, am dealing with extensive backlinks attempting to steal images from my website. In this article, we’ll explore how to prevent text copying from a WordPress website. I’ll demonstrate two methods, both of which are simple and not time-consuming, regardless of your experience level. How To Prevent Text Copying From A WordPress Website Before … Read more

How To Easily Modify The WordPress Admin Footer?

Jak upravit patičku administrace WordPressu?

Have you created a website for someone using the WordPress content management system and would like to place an ‘advertisement’ for your own website or portfolio in the admin footer? It’s one way to discreetly leave your contact information as the website creator. You might have noticed that the admin footer already contains such links. By default, it often displays information like ‘Thank you for creating with WordPress.’ However, not many know how easily this information can be personalized. In this article, I’ll show you how to modify the WordPress admin footer using a simple … Read more

Great WordPress Blogs That Will Expand Your Knowledge

Skvělé blogy o WordPressu které rozšíří Vaše znalosti

Are you working with WordPress and seeking inspiration? Or are you just starting out with this content management system and curious about how things are done or set up? If you’ve answered yes to at least one of these questions, you might be looking for a quality source of information as well. Let’s explore 4 great WordPress blogs that will expand your knowledge. In them, you can find answers to your questions, learn new things, or simply understand how WordPress and its environment work. Since these blogs are in a foreign language, it would be … Read more

Unpaid for Website Work? Try These proven Tips.

Co dělat, když klient nezaplatí vytvoření webu na WordPressu?

Are you, by any chance, encountering issues with unpaid for website work, specifically on WordPress? Perhaps you’re facing a situation where a client has failed to compensate you for your services and has also changed the admin password, thereby denying your access to the completed work? This unfortunate circumstance, compounded by the absence of a solid contract, can indeed pose significant challenges in finding a resolution. In this article, I’ll be addressing the concerns surrounding non-payment for WordPress website work and outlining crucial steps to safeguard your access in case a client alters the admin … Read more

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