How to best set up an Android phone for children

Jak nejlépe nastavit Android telefon pro děti

As a parent, you may be faced with the question of whether your child is at an age when they can or for some reason need a mobile phone. At the very least, you might need to be able to call them in case of an emergency, or for them to contact you. Since these moments are typically handled during a time when you must protect your children from the dangers of both the virtual and real world, let’s take a look at how to best set up an Android phone for kids. Specifically, for … Read more

How To Easily Enable Automatic Call Recording On Xiaomi


Automatic call recording on Xiaomi mobile phone is a feature, that is very useful to you virtually all the time. And it really doesn’t matter what reason you have to record your phone call’s. Furthermore, since Google has started to block this functionality on Android phone’s thanks to GDPR, you are able to use this function natively on fewer and fewer phone’s. So, how you can turn on automatic calls recording on your Xiaomi device? Unfortunately, the following instructions you can’t apply to all XIAOMI phone’s. How to enable automatic call recording on Xiaomi turn … Read more

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