Make Your Email Security Stronger With Google SPF Politics

Co je to SPF záznam a proč jej Google vyžaduje? Hlavní obrázek ke článku na toto téma.

In today’s world, email communication is an essential part of our daily lives. Every day, we send and receive dozens, if not hundreds, of emails, and it is crucial to ensure that our messages are safely delivered into the right hands. So now you can make your email security stronger with Google SPF politics. One of the tools that can help us in this regard is an SPF record. It not only helps us combat spam but also provides protection against email spoofing in certain cases. If you are curious about what an SPF record … Read more

How to register a domain

Jak zaregistrovat doménu

In today’s digital world, it is relatively crucial to be visible. And it doesn’t matter whether you own a small business, an online store, or you just want to create a personal portfolio or blog. To have either of these, you need to get web hosting and register a domain. On web hosting, you can store data and emails, and the domain will connect you to the online world. If you want to be visible in the online world, you will need both of these. Let’s take a look at the basics and learn how … Read more

How to fix SPF and DKIM error on G-mail

Při odeslání mailu na Gmail se vrací chyba SPF a DKIM

A few months ago, Google adjusted its spam policy, which means that emails that were previously fine may no longer pass. If there is a problem with the SPF and DKIM record, a mailer daemon will return the sent email. The reason is simple: when sending an email to Gmail, the SPF and DKIM error occurs due to missing DNS records for the domain. What can be done about it? Let’s take a look today, how to fix SPF and DKIM error on G-mail. How to fix SPF and DKIM error on G-mail SPF (Sender … Read more

How to redirect a domain

jak přesměrovat doménu

If you need to redirect one domain to another or directly to a specific URL address, there are several ways to do so. If the domain does not have its own web hosting, the registrar of the domain can usually provide such a service for a fee. However, if the domain has its own web hosting, this hosting can be used for redirection. There are several methods available, and today we will take a look , how to redirect a domain. The advantage of using a 301 permanent redirect Of course, a domain can also … Read more

How you can create NSSET for .CZ top level domains


If you want to change the DNS servers at .CZ top level domain, this cannot be done simply by replacing individual DNS servers, as with other domains, but it is necessary to make a change with NSSET. This means that the first step to change the DNS of the CZ domain will be to create this NSSET. So, lets take a look, how you can create NSSET for .CZ top level domains. What is NSSET? You can imagine the NSSET as one package, or one ID, that contains all the individual DNS servers you need to … Read more

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