Simple Installation of Nextcloud on Shared Hosting (via FTP)

Instalace Nextcloud na sdílený hosting (pomocí FTP)

Nextcloud is open-source software that allows easy storage, management, and sharing of files and data. It’s a platform where you can create your own cloud storage, similar in concept to services like Dropbox or Google Drive. However, it also emphasizes privacy and data control.If you have shared web hosting and not your own server, this guide is for you. I will show you how simple it is to install Nextcloud on shared hosting using FTP. The process requires virtually no programming knowledge or the need to modify any configuration files. Installing Nextcloud on Shared Hosting … Read more

WP Rocket – Server Outages Slow Down WordPress Websites

WP Rocket - výpadky serverů zpomalují WordPress weby

In the past few days, WP Media, the creator of the popular WP Rocket plugin, faced a massive DDoS attack on their servers. This resulted in significant slowdowns for all WordPress websites using this plugin. The company also published this information on their Twitter channel, clearly stating that their server outages are slowing down WordPress websites using their plugin. License validation The slowdown of websites with this plugin occurred due to license verification. WP Rocket is a paid plugin, and to use it, you need a license key. When loading your pages, the plugin verifies … Read more

How To Perform A Simple Load Test On Your WordPress Site

Jak provést zátěžový test Vašeho WordPressu - hlavní náhledový obrázek ke článku

Probably every website owner sooner or later becomes interested in how much load their shared hosting or own server can handle. Especially with increasing traffic, this is a more than relevant question. Therefore, in this article, I would like to look at a service that is not only free at its core but also provides you with precise answers on how many users per minute your website or server can handle. If you are interested in how to perform a load test on your WordPress, you can rest assured that it is really simple. How … Read more

What is the ChatGpt? The Revolutionary AI Chatbot.

Co je to ChatGPT - Generative Pre-trained Transformer

Artificial intelligence is a term ubiquitous in today’s discourse, permeating nearly every facet of our lives. While its presence is evident in certain domains, in others, it remains largely uncharted. The landscape of artificial intelligence underwent a seismic shift with the advent of ChatGPT, often encapsulated in the question, ‘What is the ChatGpt?’ This marked the genesis of the first highly visible chatbot, widely embraced for catalyzing creativity and streamlining diverse tasks. We’ll delve deeper into the essence of ChatGPT in this article. What is the ChatGpt? The Revolutionary AI Chatbot Let’s start with a … Read more

How can you easily clear the DNS cache?

Jak můžete vymazat mezipaměť DNS?

The DNS cache, also known as DNS cache, is a critical component of internet infrastructure. It stores recent queries to any DNS servers, significantly speeding up the loading of web pages on your computer. When a user enters a web address into a browser, the device first asks a DNS server for the corresponding IP address. The DNS cache comes into play when the computer receives this response. Instead of repeatedly querying remote servers, it saves this response to memory. This speeds up webpage loading as it eliminates the time-consuming search for IP addresses. However, … Read more

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