WP Rocket – Server Outages Slow Down WordPress Websites

WP Rocket - výpadky serverů zpomalují WordPress weby

In the past few days, WP Media, the creator of the popular WP Rocket plugin, faced a massive DDoS attack on their servers. This resulted in significant slowdowns for all WordPress websites using this plugin. The company also published this information on their Twitter channel, clearly stating that their server outages are slowing down WordPress websites using their plugin. License validation The slowdown of websites with this plugin occurred due to license verification. WP Rocket is a paid plugin, and to use it, you need a license key. When loading your pages, the plugin verifies … Read more

How can you easily clear the DNS cache?

Jak můžete vymazat mezipaměť DNS?

The DNS cache, also known as DNS cache, is a critical component of internet infrastructure. It stores recent queries to any DNS servers, significantly speeding up the loading of web pages on your computer. When a user enters a web address into a browser, the device first asks a DNS server for the corresponding IP address. The DNS cache comes into play when the computer receives this response. Instead of repeatedly querying remote servers, it saves this response to memory. This speeds up webpage loading as it eliminates the time-consuming search for IP addresses. However, … Read more

Why do backlinks play such an important role in SEO?

Proč hrají zpětné odkazy tak důležitou roli v SEO?

If you’ve ever dealt with optimizing your website for search engines, you’ve probably come across the topic of backlinks. Backlinks are indeed a fundamental building block in any search engine optimization. So, why do backlinks play such an important role in SEO? Let’s try to briefly explain that in this article. Ultimately, you don’t necessarily have to search for something overly complex in backlinks. It’s just a matter of understanding their role in how search engines assess your domain. Why do backlinks play such an important role in SEO? First, let’s explain what a backlink … Read more

Why Is Domain Authority Important For SEO?

doménová autorita

If you’ve ever delved into search engine optimization (SEO), you’ve likely come across the term ‘domain authority.’ It’s a critical factor that can significantly impact your website’s performance in search engine results (SERP). So, what does domain authority actually mean, how is it measured, and what impact does it have on SEO? Domain authority (abbreviated as DA) is not just a modern concept; it’s a key element rooted in the need for search engines to do their job better. This metric is important for them to better understand and evaluate your website. The history of … Read more

August 2023 Core Update, The New Google Algorithm Update

August 2023 Core Update

For those who have a bit of interest in their website’s statistics, you may have noticed some changes in your site’s traffic. Speaking for myself, I observed a rather significant increase in impressions and traffic. And if you also keep an eye on the world of SEO, you may have come across the news that Google made a major adjustment to its search algorithm. They’ve named this algorithm change the August 2023 Core Update. So, let’s take a detailed look at the changes Google has made and what has actually changed in the new Google … Read more

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