The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: Create Pages and Articles

Průvodce WordPressem: stránky a příspěvky

In previous episodes, I showed you how to install WordPress, what its administration looks like, and how you can work with plugins and website themes. Now it’s time to add your first page and post to the website. In today’s continuation titled “The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: Create Pages and Articles,” I will explain the main difference between a page and a post, their purposes, and show you how to add a post or page to your website. I won’t address SEO, which involves optimizing pages and posts for search engines, in this installment. It’s … Read more

The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: First Look On Appearance

Průvodce WordPressem: Přizpůsobení vzhledu

In the previous episode, I discussed plugins and how to install, activate, or remove them. In this topic, we’ll delve into theme templates, which are practically identical to plugins. You can manage them from the administration interface and install them through the main WordPress repository. Today’s theme, “the ultimate best WordPress guide: first look on appearance”, will give you a little insight into working with appearance and modifying the graphic design in the WordPress content management system. The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: First Look On Appearance First, let’s take a brief look at how you … Read more

The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: How To Use Plugins

The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: How To Use Plugins

WordPress is a modular content management system, meaning that you can extend it with additional functionalities that it doesn’t have natively. The part that expands your CMS with these new functionalities is called a plugin. Today’s episode, “The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: How To Use Plugins“, will be dedicated to them. We will delve into working with plugins, including their installation and removal from the system. We will also discuss some details about how to handle plugins properly. The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: How To Use Plugins What are plugins? As I mentioned at the … Read more

The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: First Look at Administration

Průvodce WordPressem: první seznámení s administrací

The administration of WordPress is practically its heart and the most important aspect where website owners spend most of their time. From the administration panel, you control virtually all parts of your website. You can install new plugins, customize the appearance of your site, and perform system updates. Today’s topic is “The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: First Look at Administration“. In this article, I will only describe the basic principles, and then I will provide you with a link where you can find a detailed and comprehensive description of the administration interface. It covers the … Read more

The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: WordPress Installation

Průvodce WordPressem: Instalace WordPressu

In the previous episode, we explained the basics of what WordPress can do and what it is actually used for. You probably already have a basic understanding of this content management system. Today’s topic will logically be about how you can install WordPress. Today’s episode (The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: WordPress Installation) will therefore logically be about the next step – setting up WordPress on web hosting. First, we will show you a basic installation scheme in the form of a simple infographic, and we will also briefly discuss the installation itself. I have created … Read more

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