How to Secure WordPress – Complete Guide 2024

Jak zabezpečit WordPress - kompletní průvodce 2024

WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used platforms for building websites in the world. Currently, it powers more than 40% of all websites worldwide. Its simple interface and rich customization options make it a popular choice for individuals and businesses. However, the popularity of WordPress also brings challenges, especially in the area of security. How to secure WordPress is a question many website creators ask, and there is no simple answer. Website security is a complex matter that requires time and effort. In today’s world, websites are frequent targets of hackers and … Read more

How to create a WordPress admin user using a script and FTP

Jak vytvořit admin uživatele WordPressu pomocí skriptu na FTP

Creating a WordPress user typically happens in two ways. The first is the classic method through the administration interface, and the second, for more experienced users, involves working directly in the database. However, let’s explore a third method that allows you to create a WordPress user very conveniently. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to create a WordPress admin user using a script and FTP. The principle is simple: we’ll create a PHP file that we’ll easily upload to the website’s FTP. Subsequently, we’ll call it in a browser, and the magic will happen. The … Read more

How to disable logging into WordPress using email

Jak zakázat přihlášení do WordPressu pomocí e-mailu

The WordPress administration allows users to log in using two options: either by entering the user login or their email. Using either option along with the correct password allows users to log in to the system. As your email is often readily available on the website, you can enhance WordPress security by disabling this login option. Users will then need to log in using only their non-public username. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to disable logging into WordPress using email. It’s another small piece in improving your website’s security. While it may seem like … Read more

Adjust error messages for logging into the WordPress admin panel

Upravte chybové hlášky u přihlášení do administrace WordPressu

Security is the alpha and omega of your website. There’s certainly nothing pleasant about spending days and hours creating a website, only for someone to attack and damage it. That’s why security in WordPress is an ongoing topic. Today, we’ll show you another way to enhance security further. Adjust error messages for logging into the WordPress admin panel using a simple snippet. I’ll show you how. And why should you actually do it? We’ll discuss that below as well. Adjust error messages for logging into the WordPress admin panel When logging into your WordPress, does … Read more

How to Easily Create WordPress Menu For Logged-in Users

Vytvořte si vlastní menu pro přihlášené uživatele WordPressu

You have a website built on WordPress and you need to address a situation where you want to provide a different menu for logged-in users compared to users who are not logged in. Create your own menu for logged-in WordPress users. However, WordPress does not have this functionality natively. Nevertheless, to incorporate such functionality into your website and create a custom menu, it only takes a few minutes with the help of the Conditional Menus plugin. So let’s take a look on guide, how to easily create WordPress menu for logged-in users in couple of … Read more

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