Better Secure Your Ubuntu Server Using Maldet

Zabezpečte svůj Ubuntu server pomocí Maldet

If you manage a server on the Ubuntu operating system, you may have questioned its security at least once. A good step could be to perform monthly detection of malicious files within the server. You can choose from several programs to easily conduct such scans. I opted for Maldet as my first choice, which I then added to Cron for regular testing. So, if you are also concerned about the security of data on your server, secure your Ubuntu server using Maldet. The installation is very straightforward, and even a beginner can run the tests. … Read more

How To Easily Set Up Microsoft OneNote In Ubuntu?

Jak v Ubuntu zprovoznit Microsoft OneNote

I use two operating systems on my personal notebook as a dual-boot solution. Specifically, I use Microsoft Windows 11 for entertainment and content consumption, along with Ubuntu 22.04 for work. On all my devices, including both work and personal computers, as well as my mobile phone, I use Microsoft’s OneNote for note-taking. This is because I can conveniently synchronize all my notebooks and their content across all devices. Since OneNote is not natively included in Ubuntu, I looked for a way to set up Microsoft OneNote in Ubuntu. In the end, it turned out to … Read more

Easy Activation Of SSL On Ubuntu Using Certbot

Aktivace SSL certifikátu na Ubuntu pomocí Certbot

If you operate web hosting like me on your own server, the first thing that should concern you is its security. And I’m not just talking about server security but also about the security of the website running on that server. One crucial element in today’s context is an SSL certificate. By using an SSL certificate, you encrypt the data exchanged between your server and the user’s computer visiting your website. This guide will show you easy activation of SSL on Ubuntu using Certbot. Thanks to Certbot’s functionality, the installation and setup of the certificate … Read more

How to configure Apache with MPM Event and PHP-FPM

Jak nakonfigurovat Apache s MPM Event a PHP-FPM na Ubuntu

Apache HTTP web server has been developed over many years to work in various environments and address different user needs. One important issue that Apache, like any web server, must address is how to handle different processes for serving HTTP requests. Apache server includes a total of three different MPM (Multi-Processing Module) modules, and in this article, we will show you how to configure Apache with MPM Event and PHP-FPM on Ubuntu, specifically how to change the default Pre-fork variant to Event. How to configure Apache with MPM Event and PHP-FPM on Ubuntu The Apache … Read more

Make Easy Email Server Statistics With A Simple Script

Vytvořte si automatické e-mailové statistiky o stavu serveru

If you manage a Linux server, in my case specifically Ubuntu, you might find it useful to have at least a basic overview of the server’s status. With a simple bash script, a few tools, and SSMTP, you can create automatically sent statistics about the server’s status. So, if you are interested in the server’s status, go ahead and create automated email statistics about the server’s status as well. After all, it’s really not difficult at all. So try to make easy email server statistics with a simple script with me, step by step. Make … Read more

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