NIO introduces its first battery swapping station.

NIO zavádí první stanice na výměnu baterií

I discovered the Chinese company NIO about a year and a half ago. From that time I have been closely following and admiring them. Even though electric cars have yet to become a significant mode of transportation for me. I like NIO so much that it forms the largest part of my stock portfolio. It’s evident that NIO is taking a completely different path compared to its competitor, Tesla, but it’s one that is beginning to pay off. I mention Tesla intentionally because NIO is a car company that specializes exclusively in electric vehicles. You … Read more

Important accessories for Kugoo G-Booster

kugoo g-booster

Since I’ve already covered several hundred kilometers on my Kugoo G-Booster electric scooter, I can confidently say that it not only rides very fast, but also comfortably, especially in the city. The scooter can sometimes even be faster than a car in regular city traffic. Plus, with a range of 25 to 50 km (depending on the terrain and load), it can basically handle everything I need in a day. However, after those many kilometers, I’ve discovered things that, in my opinion, are essential for the scooter. Unfortunately, the Kugoo G-Booster doesn’t come with them. … Read more

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