Better Secure Your Ubuntu Server Using Maldet

Zabezpečte svůj Ubuntu server pomocí Maldet

If you manage a server on the Ubuntu operating system, you may have questioned its security at least once. A good step could be to perform monthly detection of malicious files within the server. You can choose from several programs to easily conduct such scans. I opted for Maldet as my first choice, which I then added to Cron for regular testing. So, if you are also concerned about the security of data on your server, secure your Ubuntu server using Maldet. The installation is very straightforward, and even a beginner can run the tests. … Read more

How To Easily Set Up Microsoft OneNote In Ubuntu?

Jak v Ubuntu zprovoznit Microsoft OneNote

I use two operating systems on my personal notebook as a dual-boot solution. Specifically, I use Microsoft Windows 11 for entertainment and content consumption, along with Ubuntu 22.04 for work. On all my devices, including both work and personal computers, as well as my mobile phone, I use Microsoft’s OneNote for note-taking. This is because I can conveniently synchronize all my notebooks and their content across all devices. Since OneNote is not natively included in Ubuntu, I looked for a way to set up Microsoft OneNote in Ubuntu. In the end, it turned out to … Read more

MySQL backup on Linux – How to easily automate it?

Automatické zálohování MySQL na Linuxu

If you manage a Linux server that also runs MySQL databases, you might have wondered how to efficiently back up your database(s). Let’s take a look at automatic MySQL backup on Linux using commands and the CRON scheduler. This will allow us to create a schedule for automatic MySQL backups every night, saving them to SQL files, while also deleting backups older than 30 days. The result will be that a local backup of the database(s) will be created on the server, with backups available for up to one month. It’s important to note that … Read more

Speed up your website: Enabling Varnish Cache on Ubuntu

Aktivace Varnish Cache na Ubuntu

In today’s world, where speed and instant access to information play a crucial role, it is important for websites to load as quickly as possible. You have probably experienced frustration when a website loads slowly and tested your patience. But don’t despair! There is a tool that can significantly increase the speed of website loading. It’s called Varnish Cache. In this article, you will learn what Varnish Cache is, how it works, and how to enabling Varnish Cache on Ubuntu OS. Speed up your website: Enabling Varnish Cache on Ubuntu What is Varnish Cache? Varnish … Read more

How to create custom commands on Linux

How to create custom commands on Linux

If you manage a Linux server, you’re probably familiar with situations where you frequently use certain longer commands with specific parameters that you don’t want to repeatedly type. That’s why there’s a solution that allows you to create your own shortened command, which will not only be shorter but also easier to remember. As an example, let’s say I use my own command to display the last 10 lines of the Apache error log. I have only one website with WordPress on my server, and if something goes wrong, like misconfiguring the .htaccess file, I … Read more

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