How To Easily Modify The WordPress Admin Footer?

Have you created a website for someone using the WordPress content management system and would like to place an ‘advertisement’ for your own website or portfolio in the admin footer? It’s one way to discreetly leave your contact information as the website creator. You might have noticed that the admin footer already contains such links. By default, it often displays information like ‘Thank you for creating with WordPress.’ However, not many know how easily this information can be personalized. In this article, I’ll show you how to modify the WordPress admin footer using a simple snippet or the WPCode plugin.

After just two minutes, a customized admin footer could look like this:

Jak upravit patičku administrace

How To Easily Modify The WordPress Admin Footer?

To avoid installing additional plugins for this purpose, we’ll use a snippet and the popular WPCode plugin, which should be installed by anyone looking to modify the properties and behavior of their WordPress website. A snippet is nothing more than a short piece of code in PHP or another language that alters the properties and behavior of the website.

Installing the WPCode Plugin

To insert code into your website, you can choose between two options. You can hardcode the code into the file where it belongs, or you can use a plugin that will insert portions of the code into the website as it runs. The latter option is better for a simple reason. It’s safer and prevents the code from being erased with each update that overwrites the file containing your code.

Installing the WPCode plugin is done as follows:

  • Click on ‘Plugins’ in the left-hand menu.
  • Select ‘Add New’ in the submenu.
  • Notice the search field in the top right corner.
  • Type in the keyword ‘WPCode.’
  • Once WordPress finds the plugin, install and activate it.
  • If you’re interested in a complete article where I describe working with this plugin, check it out here: How to Insert Custom Code into WordPress.
Jak do WordPressu vkládat vlastní kódy

How to Modify the WordPress Admin Footer Using a Snippet

If you wish to insert a link to your portfolio in the WordPress admin area as the creator of the website, use the WPCode plugin mentioned earlier. Through this plugin, insert the following PHP code into your website:

	function ( $footer_text ) {
		// Edit the line below to customize the footer text.
		$footer_text = 'Powered by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jiri Vanek</a> | WordPress Tutorials: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>';
		return $footer_text;

Feel free to adjust the variable footer_text according to your preferences and needs.

Modify the WordPress Admin Footer


And that’s it. Yes, it’s that simple. Now you also know how to modify the WordPress admin footer and can directly insert your personal brand and link into the backend. This advertisement will only be seen by the website owner and no one else. However, if the website owner prefers not to have any form of your self-promotion on their website, then this is one of the options you can use. Inserting your personal brand into the backend footer won’t affect the appearance of the website and won’t disturb its users. A win for both you and the website owner.

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