Best Proven Chrome Extension You Can Use For Measuring Speed

Web Vitals jako rozšíření do Chrome pro měření rychlosti webu

Anyone who has used Google Search Console for even a moment must have noticed that one of the parameters it evaluates is called Core Web Vitals. Simply put, these are the metrics by which Google measures the quality and speed of a website. Based on the results of these metrics, Google adjusts search results as it considers them indicators of website quality. Today, let’s take a look at best proven Chrome extension you can use for measuring speed. This is a small add-on for the Chrome browser that measures key metrics such as LCP, CLS, … Read more

Enhance Security: The best use of .htaccess in Directory Protection

Zabezpečte si adresář na webu pomocí .htaccess souboru

If you actively manage a website, there may come a time when you want to protect the content of various folders on FTP using a login and password. And if you have web hosting on a Linux server, it is more or less recommended to use the .htaccess file for this purpose. So, today’s article topic will be “Enhance Security: The Best Use of .htaccess in Directory Protection“. Let’s take a look at a few steps on how to achieve this. It’s not as complicated as it may seem. Enhance Security: The best use of … Read more

Learn How To Deleting Content From A MySQL Database

Kompletní návod na smazání obsahu MySQL databáze

Sometimes, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to delete the content of a database for various reasons. It can happen, for example, when you decide to delete an old website and build a new one, or when you want to replace the current data in the database with a backup. If you’re unsure how to proceed, you can follow this complete guide. The topic of today’s article is “learn how to deleting content from a MySQL database“. We will learn it gradually, step by step. Learn How To Deleting Content From … Read more

How to Disable the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY Mode in MySQL

Jak vypnout mód ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY v MySQL

MySQL is a popular relational database management system widely used in the field of IT. MySQL offers the ability to work with data using the SQL language, which is used for data manipulation and various operations. These operations include data insertion, updating, reading, and deletion. In this article, we will explore how to disable the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode in MySQL. This can be achieved by using a command in the connection script. How to Disable the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY Mode in MySQL The ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY mode in MySQL affects the behavior of SQL queries. To understand what this mode … Read more

Migration of WordPress to a dedicated VPS

Přechod s WordPressem na vlastní server

Since this website has grown to a size where traditional shared web hosting is no longer sufficient for my needs, I have decided to migrate to a dedicated virtual server. It was not just about speed but also the opportunity to try out new things, which shared web hosting does not allow. The limitations of PHP versions, server modules, and settings are clearly defined in shared web hosting. In this article, I would like to provide a superficial overview of what such a migration of WordPress to a dedicated VPS entails. What needs to be … Read more

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