Is It Possible To Adjust PHP Limits On Forpsi Web Hosting?

Lze upravit php limity na Forpsi webhostingu?

Do you have a website on shared hosting with Forpsi and need to adjust specific PHP limits? If your hosting is on a newer Linux server with PHP 8.x, you can easily do it manually. Today, we’ll look on question, if is it possible to adjust PHP limits on Forpsi web hosting, using FTP and the .user.ini file. Specifically, we’ll modify three commonly requested limits: file upload via PHP, max execution time, and, as a bonus, the memory limit. You’ll need to adjust the first value when using PHP to upload larger files to your … Read more

A Simple Guide To Image Formats On The Web

Jaké jsou rozdíly ve formátech obrázků pro web

The graphics on a website are a crucial element that often determines the overall user experience of people visiting your website. It is, therefore, very important to use the right types of images based on the purpose they will serve on the web. Nowadays, there are many formats to choose from, but the key ones (aside from SVG for vector graphics) are still JPG, PNG, and WebP formats. So, what are the differences in image formats for the web? A This simple guide to image formats on the web take a closer look at these … Read more

Abbreviations And Metrics In SEO. Do You Know Them All?

Víte, co znamenají jednotlivé zkratky a metriky v SEO?

If you are creating websites, there is one thing you will have to deal with sooner or later to be visible on the internet. This will introduce you to the term SEO. SEO involves techniques used to optimize a website to move it to higher positions in search results. Logically, the higher a search engine places you, the better chance you have of being found by users and having them read your content. However, do you know what the individual abbreviations and metrics in SEO mean? There are many of them, and some can be … Read more

Everything You Wanted To Know About HTTP Status Codes

Vše co jste chtěli vědět o HTTP stavových kódech

Each of us practically uses the internet on a daily basis and displays content on various devices that we are searching for. When you send a request to the server through your browser to display content, you usually receive an HTTP status code, which tells the browser how the request to the server was handled. HTTP status codes are part of the HTTP protocol, which defines communication between the client and the server. Some codes are seen as errors, while others are not seen at all (e.g., 200, 301…). So, let’s take a closer look … Read more

How Can You Reduce The TTFB Value In WordPress?

Jak můžete snížit hodnotu TTFB u Wordpressu

In the context of SEO optimization and the fact that everyone undoubtedly wants to see their website at the top of search results, let’s take a look today at the role that website speed optimization plays. Specifically, we will focus on the Time To First Byte (TTFB) and how can you reduce the TTFB value in WordPress. This is one of the key metrics that indicates website loading speed, and search engines use this value in their metrics. What is TTFB – Time to First Byte TTFB (Time to First Byte) is a metric used … Read more

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