How To Solve W3 Total Cache Error In WordPress 6.3

Jak skrýt admin panel pro uživatele WordPressu

This week, a major update of the popular content management system WordPress has been released. It’s version 6.3, which developers have been preparing for several months. It brings many new features and, as is customary with WordPress, will likely cause trouble for many users who haven’t prepared their website for the update. Currently, there are numerous complaints from users on the internet who utilize the W3 Total Cache plugin. We will now demonstrate how to solve W3 Total Cache error in WordPress 6.3. How To Solve W3 Total Cache Error In WordPress 6.3 After the … Read more

10 Simple Reasons Why To Have Your Own Website

10 jasných důvodů, proč mít vlastní web

The 21st century is fully digital, and having your own website in such an environment brings many benefits. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be just a corporate website. I’m also talking about a personal portfolio that allows individuals to be seen and have a greater reach. Here are 10 clear reasons why to have your own website, including, for example, a personal portfolio. 10 Simple Reasons Why To Have Your Own Website Online presence: A website provides the best means for your online presence. It serves as your virtual business card, accessible 24/7, allowing … Read more

How to fix non-functional HTTPS in Vtiger CRM with two steps

Jak opravit nefunkční HTTPS u Vtiger CRM

Vtiger CRM system is a comprehensive software solution for customer relationship management (CRM), which serves for efficient organization and automation of business processes. This system allows companies to track, manage, and optimize all interactions with their customers. Like any other content management system or CRM, Vtiger also requires encrypted server-client communication for its secure operation. However, after transitioning to HTTPS, the protocol often doesn’t work properly, and the system keeps forcing traffic to HTTP. In this article, we will explore how to fix non-functional HTTPS in Vtiger CRM with two steps, specifically how to make the … Read more

Make Your Email Security Stronger With Google SPF Politics

Co je to SPF záznam a proč jej Google vyžaduje? Hlavní obrázek ke článku na toto téma.

In today’s world, email communication is an essential part of our daily lives. Every day, we send and receive dozens, if not hundreds, of emails, and it is crucial to ensure that our messages are safely delivered into the right hands. So now you can make your email security stronger with Google SPF politics. One of the tools that can help us in this regard is an SPF record. It not only helps us combat spam but also provides protection against email spoofing in certain cases. If you are curious about what an SPF record … Read more

Be more effective with WordPress using free extension Page Ruler

Měření pixelů na webu v prohlížeči pomocí Page Ruler

If you are creating websites, you have probably encountered a situation where you needed to measure the sizes of various elements on the web, either for responsiveness or for designing web graphics. For these purposes, there is a great browser extension available for both Firefox and Chrome. This tool significantly facilitates the process of measuring elements on the web, and the best part is that you don’t need to install anything complicated to measure pixels on the web using Page Ruler. Be more effective with WordPress using free extension Page Ruler – Chrome To use … Read more

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