How to keep your WordPress data safe: best backup plugin

Chraňte svá data a zálohujte si WordPress

Anyone who has ever created websites would probably agree with me that even a small website can take many hours of work. Especially when the “developer” is a perfectionist and wants to play around with every little detail. In such cases, the data on FTP and in MySQL become even more valuable. You simply don’t want to lose them. And such a situation can occur at any time. A faulty plugin, a compromised WordPress installation, or simply human error and mistake. You can easily come up with at least ten scenarios on the fingers of … Read more

Make Your Web Awesome With Interactive Text Bubbles

Interaktivní bubliny s popisem textu ve WordPressu

Improving the user experience of a website and attracting users to read the content is the goal of every website or blog owner. There are many tools available for this purpose, and today I would like to focus on one of them. It’s called a tooltip, and it essentially refers to interactive text bubbles in WordPress. With tooltips, you can enrich the text with an interactive element that can explain a term mentioned in the text, which might otherwise be misunderstood. So make your web awesome with interactive text bubbles with new plugin for WordPress. … Read more

Staging a website on WordPress, or how to safely test websites

Staging webu na WordPressu aneb jak bezpečně testovat weby

If you manage web hosting on the popular WordPress platform, then you’re probably familiar with the following situation like the back of your hand. You have a live version of the website that receives dozens, maybe hundreds, of visitors every day. You need to implement a new feature on the website, but you’re afraid that it might cause damage or function incorrectly. What can you do about it? The answer is simple: staging the website. Today’s topic is staging a website on WordPress, or how to safely test websites. And don’t worry, it will be … Read more

How to find the ID of an article, page or category in WordPress?

Jak zjistit ID článku, stránky, rubriky či štítku ve Wordpressu?

Every article, page, category, or tag in WordPress has its unique ID. This ID is often useful when making modifications to a website or when adding new functionalities through shortcodes. Simply put, if you want to target specific categories or tags using a shortcode or snippet, you will need to know their IDs. In this article, you will learn how to find the ID of an article, page, category, or tag in WordPress using two methods. How to find the ID of an article, page, category, or tag in WordPress? Using the URL in the … Read more

Object caching in WordPress using Redis server

Objektová cache WordPressu pomocí Redis serveru

If you manage a WordPress website and have looked at the “Site Health” section (Tools -> Site Health), you might have noticed that WordPress encourages you to use object caching. The specific recommendation is to use a persistent object cache. Object caching in WordPress can be achieved either using Redis server, as I have mentioned before, or using Memcached. In this article, we will focus on implementing object caching in WordPress using Redis server. Before enabling object caching, Redis needs to be functional on your server. If you have your own server, you can follow … Read more

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