How To Resolve The 404 Error In WordPress 6.4 With PolyLang

Jak vyřešit chybu 404 u WordPressu 6.4 s PolyLang

Last week, the long-awaited new version of WordPress 6.4 was released. Shortly thereafter, within a 24-hour window, developers released another update in the form of version 6.4.1. WordPress itself encountered significant issues with this update, affecting tools like Oxygen Builder, among others. Many WordPress users, including myself, started experiencing a 404 error on every page and post, rendering the content inaccessible. The common denominator was the PolyLang plugin for multilingual websites. In this article, I will show two options how to resolve the 404 errorin WordPress 6.4 with PolyLang. Sometimes, the first option alone works, … Read more

How Can You Easily Detect Broken Links In WordPress?

Jak můžete ve WordPressu odhalit poškozené odkazy

When writing content for a website, it’s advisable for SEO optimization to use both internal and external links to sources for which you have additional content. In simple terms, if you’re writing a full article about the currently mentioned content, use an internal link to that content just as you would if someone else were writing about the same topic. Both internal and external links increase the likelihood of better search engine rankings and improve the quality of your website’s content. Additionally, internal links help search engines discover other interesting content on your website. However, … Read more

How To Solve W3 Total Cache Error In WordPress 6.3

Jak skrýt admin panel pro uživatele WordPressu

This week, a major update of the popular content management system WordPress has been released. It’s version 6.3, which developers have been preparing for several months. It brings many new features and, as is customary with WordPress, will likely cause trouble for many users who haven’t prepared their website for the update. Currently, there are numerous complaints from users on the internet who utilize the W3 Total Cache plugin. We will now demonstrate how to solve W3 Total Cache error in WordPress 6.3. How To Solve W3 Total Cache Error In WordPress 6.3 After the … Read more

How To Set Different ALT Tags For Images In Polylang

Jak v Polylang nastavit rozdílné ALT popisky u obrázků

Polylang is a great plugin for WordPress that allows you to present your website content in multiple languages, not just the primary one. With Polylang, you can offer your website readers content in their native language as well as many others. Today, we will take a closer look at SEO and how to set different ALT tags for images in Polylang, specifically setting a separate description for each selected language. The reason for this is quite simple. From an SEO perspective, it is beneficial to have ALT descriptions for images in the same language as … Read more

How to easily hide the admin panel for WordPress users

Jak skrýt admin panel pro uživatele WordPressu

One of the features of WordPress administration is the so-called admin panel. It is a toolbar that appears at the top of the administration area. It is also accessible in the browser even outside of the administration area if you remain logged into the system. Admin panel allows you, for example, to quickly edit posts, interact with certain plugins (such as cache plugins), and much more. However, there may be situations where it is appropriate to hide this admin panel from all users except administrators. Let’s take a look at three ways, how to easily … Read more

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