Is It Good To Deactivate Heartbeat In WordPress?

Je dobré deaktivovat Heartbeat ve WordPressu?

On the internet, you’ll find numerous articles describing WordPress backend optimization and speeding up administration. Many of these sources suggest that disabling the Heartbeat function in WordPress is a great way to achieve faster administration and responsiveness. However, let’s ask a simple question: Is it good to deactivate Heartbeat in WordPress? Definitely not, or to be more precise, not always. Disabling Heartbeat can actually bring more issues than benefits in certain cases. Let’s see why below. What is the purpose of the WordPress Heartbeat function? The WordPress core maintains a connection between the browser and … Read more

How To Easily Regenerate Permalinks In WordPress


From time to time, the URL structure in WordPress may break. You can easily identify this issue on your website when you encounter a 404 error every time you click on a link. This can be frustrating, especially if you are unaware that fixing this error can be relatively straightforward. All you need to do is regenerate the permalink structure. I dare say that this solution resolves approximately 90% of cases involving malfunctioning URLs. The remaining 10% may be attributed to other errors, such as SSL certificate problems or others. In this guide, I will … Read more


Chyba ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS u WordPress administrace

Are you trying to log in to the WordPress administration, but instead of the login screen, you keep getting the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error? This redirect loop issue usually has a straightforward explanation: HTTPS and SSL certificate. Let’s take a look at what to check first and how to fix ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS In WordPress administration. It can be much simpler than you think. How To Fix ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS In WordPress administration This error can have a very simple and mundane reason. And that reason is the absence of HTTPS support and an SSL certificate. WordPress uses SSL and HTTPS … Read more

How To Fix A Wrong URL Of The Homepage In WordPress

Jak opravit špatnou URL úvodní stránky ve WordPressu

The WordPress homepage is the page that appears first when you enter your domain in a web browser. WordPress has its own section in the settings dedicated to this page. Sometimes, the homepage can cause issues for many people. For example, when someone sets the homepage to use the HTTPS protocol but doesn’t have a valid certificate yet. Another problem can occur after migrating a website to a different domain, where WordPress stubbornly redirects to the old and original domain. Let’s see how to fix a wrong URL of the homepage in WordPress, using the … Read more Has Launched Simple Tag For Commercial Addon spustil sekci pro komerční pluginy a šablony

A new taxonomy for searching plugins and themes has been implemented on the website As a result, has launched simple tag for commercial addon and themes. Users can easily distinguish which plugins are completely free and which are not. The idea behind this new category is simple. Many developers provide certain plugins completely free but also offer “PRO” versions alongside them. These plugins allow you to perform only a limited set of functions on your website. Additional features are locked and available only in the PRO version. This means that you can try … Read more

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