Markup Schema, The Way To Easily Improve SEO In WordPress

Co jsou to markup schémata a proč Vám mohou pomoci být na první pozici vyhledávače

Markup schemas, also known as structured data, are special tags added to a webpage’s source code. These tags assist search engine robots in better understanding your content. Thanks to markup schemas, robots can display results in a much-improved and structured format. In this article, we’ll delve into what markup schemas are and how they can propel you to the top positions in search engine results through SEO. What are markup schemas and why should you use them? Markup schema defines the type of content in an article. It precisely informs the search engine robot about … Read more

How easily can you create a Mega Menu in the GeneratePress?

Jak snadno vytvoříte Mega Menu v šabloně GeneratePress

GeneratePress is an amazing template you’ll quickly fall in love with. It’s simple, easy to customize, and boasts fantastic customer support. If you encounter any issues with the template, customer support responds within minutes during business hours, or within a few hours otherwise. They’ve always provided solutions and assistance whenever I needed it. This template is free, and you can extend its functionality by purchasing the PRO version. However, what this template never had is a mega menu. The mega menu isn’t available in either the free or the paid PRO version. That’s why today, … Read more

How to create a WordPress admin user using a script and FTP

Jak vytvořit admin uživatele WordPressu pomocí skriptu na FTP

Creating a WordPress user typically happens in two ways. The first is the classic method through the administration interface, and the second, for more experienced users, involves working directly in the database. However, let’s explore a third method that allows you to create a WordPress user very conveniently. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to create a WordPress admin user using a script and FTP. The principle is simple: we’ll create a PHP file that we’ll easily upload to the website’s FTP. Subsequently, we’ll call it in a browser, and the magic will happen. The … Read more

How can you easily increase the traffic to your blog?

Jak zvýšit návštěvnost Vašeho blogu

If you want to start a personal or business blog, it’s relatively simple thanks to platforms like WordPress. Definitely easier than it would have been, for instance, ten years ago. However, the subsequent website traffic will be a challenge for you. That is, how many people your articles attract and how significant the traffic to your website will eventually be. In this article, I’d like to explore several tips on question, how  can you easily increase the traffic to your blog or website. And you don’t need to be a developer or an SEO expert.  … Read more

Which version of PHP is best for WordPress 6.4?

Jaká verze PHP je nejlepší pro WordPress 6.4?

In recent days, you’ve likely noticed the release of a new WordPress version labeled 6.4, codenamed Shirley. Roughly 24 hours later, WordPress 6.4.1 was released, addressing a critical cURL bug. As WordPress development advances, this new version has slightly different server requirements compared to the original 6.3. So, which version of PHP is best for WordPress 6.4? Let’s explore that in this article. Which version of PHP is best for WordPress 6.4? Bid farewell to older PHP versions like 7.4. Many web hosts and servers today still run outdated PHP 7 versions, such as 7.2 … Read more

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