How To Fix A Wrong URL Of The Homepage In WordPress

Jak opravit špatnou URL úvodní stránky ve WordPressu

The WordPress homepage is the page that appears first when you enter your domain in a web browser. WordPress has its own section in the settings dedicated to this page. Sometimes, the homepage can cause issues for many people. For example, when someone sets the homepage to use the HTTPS protocol but doesn’t have a valid certificate yet. Another problem can occur after migrating a website to a different domain, where WordPress stubbornly redirects to the old and original domain. Let’s see how to fix a wrong URL of the homepage in WordPress, using the … Read more

5 Easy Ways How To Improve User Experience On WordPress

5 způsobů jak vylepšit uživatelskou zkušenost na WordPressu

The impression your website creates on people and how they feel while using it is crucial, especially when dealing with low traffic. The problem may arise from several factors that cause people to leave the website after a short while or even without reading the content you have published. Now, you can take a look at 5 easy ways how to improve user experience on WordPress that you can implement to attract more readers and increase both traffic and time spent on the website. Although there are only 5 of them, they are absolutely essential. … Read more

5 Tips For The Best Web Hosting For WordPress

Jak vybrat nejlepší webhosting pro stránky ve WordPressu?

WordPress has become extremely popular and widely used as a content management system. There is now a vast number of websites, blogs, and online stores created using this platform. That’s why the question of which web hosting provider to choose for your WordPress site is crucial. And how do you select the best web hosting for WordPress? There are several important factors you should consider in advance. Let’s take a look at 5 tips for the best web hosting for WordPress. 5 Tips For The Best Web Hosting For WordPress PHP and MySQL Versions One … Read more

The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: Create Pages and Articles

Průvodce WordPressem: stránky a příspěvky

In previous episodes, I showed you how to install WordPress, what its administration looks like, and how you can work with plugins and website themes. Now it’s time to add your first page and post to the website. In today’s continuation titled “The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: Create Pages and Articles,” I will explain the main difference between a page and a post, their purposes, and show you how to add a post or page to your website. I won’t address SEO, which involves optimizing pages and posts for search engines, in this installment. It’s … Read more

Easy Explanation: How To Better Use Memory Limit On WordPress

Jak na WordPressu funguje memory limit

The memory limit is a server restriction that is intentionally set by its administrator, and its size varies depending on the shared hosting provider. Generally, on web hosting, you can have memory ranging from 128 MB to 512 MB. The memory limit is a restriction. It determines the amount of memory a specific program or process can utilize on a computer. Let’s take a look in easy explanation: how to better use memory limit on WordPress. And why do so many people have issues with it? Easy Explanation: How To Better Use Memory Limit On … Read more

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