How To Stay Safe From Online Scams With Stocks?

Jak funguje online podvod s akciemi ČEZ

On social media lately, you may come across fraudulent advertisements offering to buy shares of ČEZ company (or others), and promising significant profits within weeks or months. Unfortunately, not everyone realizes that it is a scam, and unfortunately, quite a few people have fallen victim to this practice. How to stay safe from online scams with stocks? Let’s briefly look at what to watch out for. How To Stay Safe From Online Scams With Stocks? The principle of fraud is quite simple, but thanks to manipulative techniques used by attackers, many trusting individuals can fall … Read more

Enhance Security: The best use of .htaccess in Directory Protection

Zabezpečte si adresář na webu pomocí .htaccess souboru

If you actively manage a website, there may come a time when you want to protect the content of various folders on FTP using a login and password. And if you have web hosting on a Linux server, it is more or less recommended to use the .htaccess file for this purpose. So, today’s article topic will be “Enhance Security: The Best Use of .htaccess in Directory Protection“. Let’s take a look at a few steps on how to achieve this. It’s not as complicated as it may seem. Enhance Security: The best use of … Read more

What is SSH or secure computer interconnection

Co je to SSH aneb bezpečné propojení počítačů v IT světě

Do you know what is SSH or secure computer interconnection? It stands for Secure Shell, which is a secure protocol used for communication and connection between computers over the internet. The purpose of SSH is to enable remote access to another computer. This means you can connect to and work with another computer even if you are physically distant from it. This is useful, for example, for server administration or remote technical support. What is SSH or secure computer interconnection SSH utilizes asymmetric encryption methods. This means that two keys are generated: a public key … Read more

RDP and remote access to computers

RDP a vzdálený přístup k počítačům

Do you know what RDP and remote access to computers are? RDP stands for Remote Desktop Protocol, which is a technology that enables remote access to computers. RDP, or Remote Desktop Protocol, is a secure communication protocol developed by Microsoft. Its purpose is to provide the capability to control another computer or server on a network from your own computer, even if you are physically distant from it. Such remote server control is useful, for example, for server administration and IT support. With RDP, you can access a remote computer, work with it, run applications, … Read more

Your WordPress has been hacked. 10 signs to look out for.

10 znamení podel kterých poznáte, že Váš WordPress byl hacknut

As WordPress is currently one of the most popular content management systems for website creation, unfortunately, it is also a frequent target of attackers. Additionally, websites built on WordPress are often created by people with only basic knowledge of its security. Consequently, it is very common to see websites that have not been updated for months or even years, which makes them an easy target for attacks. In this article, I will discuss 10 signs that your WordPress has been hacked. Your WordPress has been hacked. 10 signs to look out for. You notice a … Read more

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