Certified courses worth tens of Euros completely for free

kurzy v hodnotě desítek Eur zdarma

Are you looking for ways to advance your career from home in the evenings? Perhaps you’re searching for courses that interest you, offering the chance to gain new knowledge? This is where the portal https://udemy.com comes in, offering such courses. While the courses are certified, unfortunately, they are paid for some. And the prices aren’t always budget-friendly. If the courses aren’t on sale, they can often cost up to 90 Euros, which is quite a lot. However, there is a way to access these certified courses worth tens of Euros for free. And by that, … Read more

6 Major Security Issues Of WordPress You Need To Know

6 největších bezpečnostních problémů WordPressu

WordPress is currently an extremely popular content management system. It could be said that it is likely the most widely used web creation tool across the entire internet. And when a system is used by a large mass of people, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes a major target for digital attackers. Let’s take a look at the 6 major security issues of WordPress that you should be very careful about. 6 Major Security Issues of WordPress Brute Force Attacks Brute force attacks, also known as brute force assaults, are a common … Read more

Better Secure Your Ubuntu Server Using Maldet

Zabezpečte svůj Ubuntu server pomocí Maldet

If you manage a server on the Ubuntu operating system, you may have questioned its security at least once. A good step could be to perform monthly detection of malicious files within the server. You can choose from several programs to easily conduct such scans. I opted for Maldet as my first choice, which I then added to Cron for regular testing. So, if you are also concerned about the security of data on your server, secure your Ubuntu server using Maldet. The installation is very straightforward, and even a beginner can run the tests. … Read more

Does the EU’s proposal in the form of CSAM entail a loss of privacy for your data?

Přináší návrh EU v podobě CSAM ztrátu soukromí Vašich dat?

You might have recently noticed reports that the European Commission is pushing for the enactment of a regulation referred to as CSAM. It’s an abbreviation for Child Sexual Abuse Material. This regulation is intended to restrict and more severely punish the trade in child pornography and related materials. However, is it really that straightforward, or does the EU’s proposal in the form of CSAM entail a loss of privacy for your data? From my perspective, as I gradually learn more about CSAM, I would now liken this regulation more to Orwell and his novel 1984. … Read more

How to best set up an Android phone for children

Jak nejlépe nastavit Android telefon pro děti

As a parent, you may be faced with the question of whether your child is at an age when they can or for some reason need a mobile phone. At the very least, you might need to be able to call them in case of an emergency, or for them to contact you. Since these moments are typically handled during a time when you must protect your children from the dangers of both the virtual and real world, let’s take a look at how to best set up an Android phone for kids. Specifically, for … Read more

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