Does the EU’s proposal in the form of CSAM entail a loss of privacy for your data?

Přináší návrh EU v podobě CSAM ztrátu soukromí Vašich dat?

You might have recently noticed reports that the European Commission is pushing for the enactment of a regulation referred to as CSAM. It’s an abbreviation for Child Sexual Abuse Material. This regulation is intended to restrict and more severely punish the trade in child pornography and related materials. However, is it really that straightforward, or does the EU’s proposal in the form of CSAM entail a loss of privacy for your data? From my perspective, as I gradually learn more about CSAM, I would now liken this regulation more to Orwell and his novel 1984. … Read more

Everything You Wanted To Know About HTTP Status Codes

Vše co jste chtěli vědět o HTTP stavových kódech

Each of us practically uses the internet on a daily basis and displays content on various devices that we are searching for. When you send a request to the server through your browser to display content, you usually receive an HTTP status code, which tells the browser how the request to the server was handled. HTTP status codes are part of the HTTP protocol, which defines communication between the client and the server. Some codes are seen as errors, while others are not seen at all (e.g., 200, 301…). So, let’s take a closer look … Read more

Is it advisable to trust artificial intelligence from Google?

Je dobré věřit umělé inteligenci od Google?

Google launched its artificial intelligence for users across Europe on July 13th. Prior to that, you had to use a VPN and connect to a server outside of the EU to access Google Bard without revealing your country of origin. Now, you can freely use Google Bard from any country within the EU. But what exactly is Google Bard? Is it advisable to trust artificial intelligence from Google? At least in terms of its responses to given topics? So far, it seems that trusting Bard’s answers is not recommended. Is it advisable to trust artificial … Read more

Proven And Free Online Cybersecurity Course With Certificate


The topic of cybersecurity plays a significant role in today’s online era. The internet is increasingly plagued by a myriad of attacks and scams. It is important to understand and be aware of the potential threats you may encounter in the online world. Currently, you have the opportunity to enroll in a proven and free online cybersecurity course with certificate. The course is endorsed by Green Fox Academy and offers Google certification, which can be beneficial for your current or future employment. So, how can you sign up? Free Cybersecurity Online Course This course is … Read more

Chat GPT was able to generate license keys for Windows 10

Chat GPT dokázal generovat licenční klíče k Windows 10

Chat GPT is capable of many things, and it all depends on how skillfully you write your prompt to avoid security blocks. Recently, a user named @immasiddtweets shared on their Twitter a method by which they easily managed to get Chat GPT to generate license keys for Windows 10 PRO. They asked Chat GPT to pretend to be their deceased grandmother and mentioned in the prompt that she used to read them Windows 10 license keys before bedtime to help them fall asleep. Based on this prompt, Chat GPT was able to generate license keys … Read more

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