Staging a website on WordPress, or how to safely test websites

Staging webu na WordPressu aneb jak bezpečně testovat weby

If you manage web hosting on the popular WordPress platform, then you’re probably familiar with the following situation like the back of your hand. You have a live version of the website that receives dozens, maybe hundreds, of visitors every day. You need to implement a new feature on the website, but you’re afraid that … Read more

How to find the ID of an article, page or category in WordPress?

Jak zjistit ID článku, stránky, rubriky či štítku ve Wordpressu?

Every article, page, category, or tag in WordPress has its unique ID. This ID is often useful when making modifications to a website or when adding new functionalities through shortcodes. Simply put, if you want to target specific categories or tags using a shortcode or snippet, you will need to know their IDs. In this … Read more

How to repair damaged tables in MySQL WordPress

Oprava poškozených tabulek v MySQL WordPressu

MySQL is one of the most popular database systems used in conjunction with WordPress. Its performance and reliability make it an ideal choice for managing websites. However, even with the best intentions and care, tables in the MySQL database can occasionally become corrupted. Let’s take a look at how the repair of damaged tables in … Read more

Error establish a database connection

Během připojování k databázovému serveru došlo k chybě

WordPress, like any other content management system, requires two essential components to function properly: FTP and a MySQL database. WordPress uses FTP to store important PHP files, theme templates, plugins, as well as media such as images and files that are displayed on the website as attachments or content. The MySQL database is used by … Read more

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