How Can You Create Better Prompts With Chat GPT?

Jak můžete vytvářet lepší prompty s Chat GPT

You primarily control Chat GPT and other text models through prompts. A prompt is a command where you clearly communicate to the artificial intelligence the task you are assigning and the expected output. The prompt is crucial in determining the output you receive. There is already a growing profession focused on providing instructions to AI, and soon those with expertise in handling prompts effectively will be highly sought after in the job market, especially in the fields of marketing, advertising, and creative domains. This article will discuss how you can create better prompts with Chat … Read more

The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: First Look On Appearance

Průvodce WordPressem: Přizpůsobení vzhledu

In the previous episode, I discussed plugins and how to install, activate, or remove them. In this topic, we’ll delve into theme templates, which are practically identical to plugins. You can manage them from the administration interface and install them through the main WordPress repository. Today’s theme, “the ultimate best WordPress guide: first look on appearance”, will give you a little insight into working with appearance and modifying the graphic design in the WordPress content management system. The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: First Look On Appearance First, let’s take a brief look at how you … Read more

Set Up An SPF Record In One Minute With Forpsi

Nastavte si SPF záznam na DNS Forpsi

I have already written about how important it is to set up an SPF record for your domain. And because Forpsi have a large number of users for domains, both in the Czech Republic and abroad, let’s take a look at how to specifically set up an SPF record directly in the Forpsi administration. So if you also have DNS or web hosting with this company, you can set up an SPF record on Forpsi DNS using a few simple steps. You can find older articles on the topic of SPF here if needed: Make … Read more

Make Easy Email Server Statistics With A Simple Script

Vytvořte si automatické e-mailové statistiky o stavu serveru

If you manage a Linux server, in my case specifically Ubuntu, you might find it useful to have at least a basic overview of the server’s status. With a simple bash script, a few tools, and SSMTP, you can create automatically sent statistics about the server’s status. So, if you are interested in the server’s status, go ahead and create automated email statistics about the server’s status as well. After all, it’s really not difficult at all. So try to make easy email server statistics with a simple script with me, step by step. Make … Read more

The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: How To Use Plugins

The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: How To Use Plugins

WordPress is a modular content management system, meaning that you can extend it with additional functionalities that it doesn’t have natively. The part that expands your CMS with these new functionalities is called a plugin. Today’s episode, “The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: How To Use Plugins“, will be dedicated to them. We will delve into working with plugins, including their installation and removal from the system. We will also discuss some details about how to handle plugins properly. The Ultimate Best WordPress Guide: How To Use Plugins What are plugins? As I mentioned at the … Read more

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