Sorry You are not Allowed to Upload this File Type

Jak můžu ve WordPressu nahrát nepovolený typ souboru?

Are you using the WordPress content management system on your website? You probably know that for enhanced security reasons, it only allows uploading certain file types. These typically include files commonly used in computer work, such as images, documents, or videos. Unfortunately, any other less typical file formats are prohibited by default in WordPress and … Read more

How to Disable the ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY Mode in MySQL

Jak vypnout mód ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY v MySQL

MySQL is a popular relational database management system widely used in the field of IT. MySQL offers the ability to work with data using the SQL language, which is used for data manipulation and various operations. These operations include data insertion, updating, reading, and deletion. In this article, we will explore how to disable the … Read more

What is SSH or secure computer interconnection

Co je to SSH aneb bezpečné propojení počítačů v IT světě

Do you know what is SSH or secure computer interconnection? It stands for Secure Shell, which is a secure protocol used for communication and connection between computers over the internet. The purpose of SSH is to enable remote access to another computer. This means you can connect to and work with another computer even if … Read more

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