The difference between classic and object cache in WordPress

Rozdíl mezi klasickou a objektovou cache u WordPressu

In today’s digital era, websites serve as the foundation for the success of many businesses and individuals. However, as your website becomes increasingly popular and attracts a large number of visitors, its speed and performance may start to decline. In such cases, it becomes essential to consider various optimization techniques, such as the use of … Read more

Object caching in WordPress using Redis server

Objektová cache WordPressu pomocí Redis serveru

If you manage a WordPress website and have looked at the “Site Health” section (Tools -> Site Health), you might have noticed that WordPress encourages you to use object caching. The specific recommendation is to use a persistent object cache. Object caching in WordPress can be achieved either using Redis server, as I have mentioned … Read more

Installation of Redis on Ubuntu Server

Instalace Redis na Ubuntu serveru

If you run a WordPress website, for example, using your own VPS, you may have already heard about object caching. After all, WordPress itself will alert you to its usage in the site health section. Object caching in WordPress, such as using Redis, is a powerful tool for optimizing performance and speeding up the loading … Read more

Installation Brotli on Ubuntu server

Instalace Brotli na Ubuntu server

Data compression is crucial for server speed. It helps reduce the size of transferred files between the server and the client, saving you time required to display the webpage. The web browser contacts the server, which compresses the data, sends the compressed data to the browser, where it is decompressed and displayed. Currently, two methods … Read more

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