How can you easily increase the traffic to your blog?

Jak zvýšit návštěvnost Vašeho blogu

If you want to start a personal or business blog, it’s relatively simple thanks to platforms like WordPress. Definitely easier than it would have been, for instance, ten years ago. However, the subsequent website traffic will be a challenge for you. That is, how many people your articles attract and how significant the traffic to your website will eventually be. In this article, I’d like to explore several tips on question, how  can you easily increase the traffic to your blog or website. And you don’t need to be a developer or an SEO expert.  … Read more

Which version of PHP is best for WordPress 6.4?

Jaká verze PHP je nejlepší pro WordPress 6.4?

In recent days, you’ve likely noticed the release of a new WordPress version labeled 6.4, codenamed Shirley. Roughly 24 hours later, WordPress 6.4.1 was released, addressing a critical cURL bug. As WordPress development advances, this new version has slightly different server requirements compared to the original 6.3. So, which version of PHP is best for WordPress 6.4? Let’s explore that in this article. Which version of PHP is best for WordPress 6.4? Bid farewell to older PHP versions like 7.4. Many web hosts and servers today still run outdated PHP 7 versions, such as 7.2 … Read more

Gravatar and its use in WordPress

Gravatar a jeho použití ve WordPressu

If you’ve ever registered on an online portal, not necessarily just on WordPress, you might have come across the term ‘Gravatar’. If you’re unsure about what Gravatar is and how it’s used, especially within WordPress, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Gravatar and its use in WordPress. WordPress happens to be one of the many content management systems that fully integrate Gravatar. Gravatar and Its Use in WordPress Gravatar stands for “Globally Recognized Avatar“. It’s a service that enables users to create a unique profile image. This … Read more

How to change user password in WordPress using MySQL

Video návod na změnu hesla uživatele ve WordPressu pomocí MySQL

If you forget your WordPress admin password, that’s a pain. There are a few mechanisms you can use to reset your password. If they all fail, because you have a broken email address, for example, there is still another option. This option allows you to set a new password for your user. However, you will need access to the MySQL database administration. So let’s take a look at a simple video tutorial on how to change a user password in WordPress using MySQL. The whole process takes a maximum of two minutes. How to change … Read more

Deactivating all WordPress plugins outside the administration

Deaktivace všech pluginů WordPressu

WordPress is a content management system that users customize using plugins and theme templates. These plugins are developed by third-party developers, and it’s easy for one of them not only to malfunction on your website but also to crash it entirely, making it inaccessible. In certain situations, this could pose a significant issue, especially when the crash prevents access not just to the website but also to the administration panel where you could deactivate the problematic plugin. However, there is a solution. Deactivating all WordPress plugins outside the administration is not only possible but also … Read more

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