Your WordPress has been hacked. 10 signs to look out for.

10 znamení podel kterých poznáte, že Váš WordPress byl hacknut

As WordPress is currently one of the most popular content management systems for website creation, unfortunately, it is also a frequent target of attackers. Additionally, websites built on WordPress are often created by people with only basic knowledge of its security. Consequently, it is very common to see websites that have not been updated for months or even years, which makes them an easy target for attacks. In this article, I will discuss 10 signs that your WordPress has been hacked. Your WordPress has been hacked. 10 signs to look out for. You notice a … Read more

Incognito mode in a browser

Anonymní režim prohlížeče

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to use a computer that isn’t yours (for example, to browse the internet), you’ll definitely appreciate the feature that practically all modern web browsers offer. Yes, we’re talking about incognito mode. Incognito mode in a browser is a way to browse the internet without saving your browsing history. It could be cookies or other information as URL address or logins and passwords. This mode allows you to be relatively hidden online and protect your privacy to some extent while browsing websites. In this article, … Read more

How to recognize online scams and phishing?

Jak poznat online podvody a phishing?

How to recognize online scams and phishing? Online scams have become increasingly common in recent times. They involve fraudulent theft of confidential data, unauthorized access, payments, and investments in nonexistent companies or organizations. Online scams usually involve emails or SMS messages that attempt to appear as if they originate from reliable sources. They often include logos of well-known companies, banking institutions, or even public institutions. This phenomenon is known as phishing, and like any electronic fraud, it operates deceptively, making it difficult for a layperson to detect. This is especially true in cases where you … Read more

How to better secure WordPress administration?

Jak zlepši zabezpečení administrace Wordpressu

The administration of WordPress is a critical component of this content management system, which is often targeted by various attacks. These attacks can range from brute-force attacks on login credentials, to DDoS attacks, and even attempts to add a user with root privileges. Therefore, any additional security measures you take are desirable and contribute to the greater security of the most important aspect – the administration and administrator access. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to better secure the administration of WordPress. How to better secure WordPress administration? Basic elements … Read more

How to fight against disinformation


We live in modern times when practically everyone has some kind of device for consuming content. At the very least, we can say that the vast majority of the population living in the Czech Republic has a mobile phone, computer, tablet, notebook, or anything else that has access to the internet and its content. Social media has also become a significant part of our lives, with platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Tiktok. Every day, we are confronted with a flood of information that can sometimes be challenging to decipher in terms of whether the information … Read more

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