How To Bypass The Security Barriers Of ChatGPT 4

Jak lze odbourat bezpečnostní zábrany Chat GPT 4

Scientists have discovered a new method to circumvent the security measures integrated into ChatGPT 4. With this method, you can potentially obtain questionable advice from this language model. You can find this method under the label “Bypassing Security Restrictions for Resource-Constrained Languages.” Furthermore, according to tests conducted, this method boasts a rather impressive 79% success … Read more

Ransomware and Users as Hostages in the Grip of an Attacker

Ransomware a uživatelé jako rukojmí v moci útočníka

In today’s digitized society, where technology is increasingly important and essential, new possibilities and threats emerge. One of the more dangerous threats is ransomware. You might not have heard of it yet, so in this article, I’ll delve into the topic of ransomware and users as hostages in the grip of attackers. As this threat … Read more

What is a Vishing attack and how does it work?

Co je to Vishing útok a jak probíhá

In today’s rapidly evolving digital environment, it’s important that you remain cautious and informed, especially when it comes to new forms of cyber attacks. One such attack targeting the acquisition of sensitive user information is called “vishing.” What is a Vishing attack and how does it work? We will explain this in the article below. … Read more

A Simple Explanation Of How A Watering Hole Attack Works

Jak probíhá Watering Hole Attack

In the online world, a significant number of attacks occur daily, targeting individuals as well as small and large companies. There are various types of attacks, ranging from unsuccessful phishing attempts to sophisticated ransomware attacks, where attackers encrypt user data and demand a ransom for the decryption key. In this article, we will look on … Read more

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