How to eliminate excess revisions in WordPress

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What are the revisions in articles of WordPress we have explained in detail here (article is in the czech language only, so, please, use translator if you want to read it): Today we will look at this topic differently. How to eliminate excess revisions in WordPress. In the article, I mentioned, among other things, the drawbacks of revisions, which consist in the growth of data stored in the database. Time by time, therefore, it is a good idea to remove revisions, especially when you know that there are old articles on the web that … Read more

What is revision in WordPress?

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You’ve probably found yourself in a situation in WordPress where you’ve made minor or major updates to an article, only to conclude that the original version was better. Since such situations are quite common, WordPress includes a feature called revisions. In short, when editing an article, older copies are automatically saved, which can be easily reverted to if necessary. If such a situation arises at the end of the editing process, this feature allows you to roll back the article along the timeline to the state it was in before the editing process began. So … Read more

How to change a username in WordPress

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If you have ever wanted to change username in WordPress administration, you have probably also discovered that WordPress does not allow this change. If you edit your own or someone else’s user profile in the admin panel, this option is disabled. However, there is a relatively simple way to achieve this change by modifying the MySQL database. So let’s take a look at how to change a username in WordPress. All you need is the phpMyAdmin interface and access to your database, which your web hosting provider should provide you with. What is phpMyAdmin? PHPMyAdmin … Read more

How to protect WordPress posts with a password

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Not every website or individual article on it necessarily has to be visible to all users who view the website or its articles. On the contrary, you may often find yourself in a situation where you want to lock an article or, conversely, allow only “premium users” to access it. You can also address this situation when you want to display the entire website only to people who know the password. There are several ways to solve this situation. Let’s take a look at how to protect WordPress with a password. It’s simple. How to … Read more

Free photos and graphics for WordPress

Bezplatné fotografie a grafika pro WordPress

A new project (free photos and graphics for WordPress) was launched on the official WordPress  website ( a few weeks ago to make it easier for web creators or blogers to find graphic backgrounds and photos for their projects and sites. It is a stock photo, which as of the current day is around 4600+ photos. Photos in the photo store are provided completely free of charge and under the license of CCO – Creative COmons. Free photos and graphics for WordPress licensed by CCO Creative Commons (CCO) is one of several public copyright licenses. … Read more

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