How to add icons to WordPress menu using the Menu Image plugin

Jak přidat ikony do menu WordPressu pomocí pluginu Menu Image

If you’re creating a website using the WordPress content management system, you’ve probably already realized that the menu is a key element of the whole page. With the menu, you can easily direct website users to the main pages of your website and provide them with important information. This can be a price list, contacts, or information about who you are and what you do. The menu usually applies mainly to pages, as posts have their own taxonomy, usually located in the right or left panel of the website. In this article, I would like … Read more

How to disable Google Fonts and Font Awesome in WordPress

How to disable google fonts and font awesome in wordpress

If you are among the group of people who create websites on the popular WordPress platform, then you have probably dealt with the issue of system speed at least once or more times. There are many online tools available for testing website speed. One of the most accessible options is Pagespeed Insight or GTmetrix. In this article, I would like to focus on how to disable Google Fonts and Font Awesome in WordPress. Since these are third-party services, WordPress downloads their parts and as a result, you are dependent on the speed of a server … Read more

How to change the database prefix in WordPress

Jak změnit prefix databáze ve WordPressu

You are probably using the WordPress content management system for your website. Then you may know, that this system uses a database to store content data such as articles, pages, users, meta information, and many others. In a basic installation, WordPress uses a total of 12 tables, each with its own prefix. The default prefix in WordPress is ‘_wp’. However, hackers can exploit this fact by specifically targeting such a prefix. For security reasons, it is therefore good to have a prefix other than the default. If you did not choose a different prefix during … Read more

How to load Google fonts faster in WordPress

Jak rychleji načítat Google fonty ve WordPressu

Most WordPress templates available today use fonts from Google. It’s great because you have the option to customize your website’s text to your liking. However, there is one significant drawback. The fonts are not stored locally on your web hosting, and they are remotely downloaded from Google servers. If you have ever measured your website’s performance using PageSpeed Insight, you may have found that this font downloading significantly affects performance, especially for mobile versions of the website. It slows down TTFB (Time To First Byte) significantly. Let’s take a look at how to load Google … Read more

Why is the website not displaying correctly on Facebook?

Proč se web na Facebooku nezobrazuje správně?

You may have noticed that the Facebook app has started using its own internal web page browser. This means that every time you click on a link in the app, the page is displayed in Facebook’s internal browser, within the Facebook app, instead of in the default browser like Chrome or Firefox. This can be a reason why is the website not displaying correctly on Facebook. Let’s take a look at why this happens and how to fix it. Why is the website not displaying correctly on Facebook? First, let’s talk about the problem and … Read more

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