WordPress 6.2 and a fatal error: allowed memory size.

WordPress 6.2 a fatal error: allowed memory size.

The popular and widely used content management system WordPress received a major update to version 6.2 this week. And as with any major WordPress update, there have been quite a few issues. Well, to be precise, not with everyone. What I generally noticed is that the most problems occurred with memory exhaustion on shared hosting, … Read more

How to add interactive email and phone to WordPress menu?

Jak do menu WordPressu vložit interaktivní e-mail a telefon?

Regarding working with email address and phone number in WordPress, I’ve already written about it. You can find the specific articles here: (how to work with email address and how to edit phone number). Both of these pieces of information can be inserted interactively on your website, making it easier for your site’s users to … Read more

How to insert a phone number in WordPress

Jak vkládat do WordPressu telefonní číslo

In the previous article, I wrote about how you can insert an email address into your WordPress text as a clickable link. This way, you can make it easier for your visitors to interact with you and simplify their experience on your website. You can find that article here: Clickable Email in WordPress. Today, let’s … Read more

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