How To Increase The Character Limit In The Excerpt In WordPress

Jak zvýšit počet znaků v excerptu u WordPressu

The term “excerpt” is probably new to many people. Let’s first briefly explain what it is. The excerpt is likely familiar to those who write blogs, but they may not be aware that this is the name for this WordPress feature. When writing a blog, you may have noticed that the articles are listed one after another on the main page, from newest to oldest. To avoid displaying the entire article on the main page, WordPress shows only a portion of it. Essentially, it displays a snippet of the article, and it is up to … Read more

How To Set Different ALT Tags For Images In Polylang

Jak v Polylang nastavit rozdílné ALT popisky u obrázků

Polylang is a great plugin for WordPress that allows you to present your website content in multiple languages, not just the primary one. With Polylang, you can offer your website readers content in their native language as well as many others. Today, we will take a closer look at SEO and how to set different ALT tags for images in Polylang, specifically setting a separate description for each selected language. The reason for this is quite simple. From an SEO perspective, it is beneficial to have ALT descriptions for images in the same language as … Read more

How to easily hide the admin panel for WordPress users

Jak skrýt admin panel pro uživatele WordPressu

One of the features of WordPress administration is the so-called admin panel. It is a toolbar that appears at the top of the administration area. It is also accessible in the browser even outside of the administration area if you remain logged into the system. Admin panel allows you, for example, to quickly edit posts, interact with certain plugins (such as cache plugins), and much more. However, there may be situations where it is appropriate to hide this admin panel from all users except administrators. Let’s take a look at three ways, how to easily … Read more

How To Fix A Wrong URL Of The Homepage In WordPress

Jak opravit špatnou URL úvodní stránky ve WordPressu

The WordPress homepage is the page that appears first when you enter your domain in a web browser. WordPress has its own section in the settings dedicated to this page. Sometimes, the homepage can cause issues for many people. For example, when someone sets the homepage to use the HTTPS protocol but doesn’t have a valid certificate yet. Another problem can occur after migrating a website to a different domain, where WordPress stubbornly redirects to the old and original domain. Let’s see how to fix a wrong URL of the homepage in WordPress, using the … Read more

How To Easily Convert Text To Speech In WordPress

Jednoduchý převod textu na řeč ve WordPressu

If you own a web hosting service and there is a likelihood of people with visual impairments visiting your website, you should consider providing content in a format other than text. Nowadays, there are numerous text-to-speech modules available. Some can be used for free, while others require a monthly or annual fee. Today, I would like to explore a simple way how to easily convert text to speech in WordPress, and it’s free. How To Easily Convert Text To Speech In WordPress The benefits of this technology are clear. The module is capable of reading … Read more

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