How to easily mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress

Jak ztížit brute force útok do WordPressu

WordPress is a system currently used by approximately 40% of websites worldwide. Due to its widespread use, it is also a relatively common target for hackers seeking to access your data or simply damage your website. A brute force attack is a technique where a hacker tries usernames and passwords repeatedly until they find the correct combination. In this article, we will demonstrate how to mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress using three methods that are effective. How to mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress – 3 proven methods Method 1 – Disable … Read more

WordPress Plans For 2024? Exciting List Of New Changes.

Co plánuje WordPress v roce 2024

The end of 2023 is quickly approaching its conclusion, and the beginning of a new year is just around the corner. Joseph Haden, the CEO, recently unveiled WordPress’s plan, revealing to users the itinerary of updates that lie ahead. But what changes does WordPress have in store for 2024? Let’s take a closer look. We’ll delve into the changes awaiting the WordPress community and users, discussing what to anticipate in the new year of 2024. So, what are WordPress plans For 2024? WordPress Plans For 2024? Exciting List Of New Changes. The most critical announcement … Read more

Where You Can Download WordPress – Beginner’s Tips

Jak a kde stáhnout WordPress.Nejrychlejší způsob jak WordPress zprovoznit.

If you’re planning to create your own website or blog, then WordPress is undoubtedly one of the most popular and effective content management tools. Its simplicity and extensive customization options attract millions of users worldwide. However, the first step to utilizing this platform is to download it. How and where to download WordPress? We’ll show you here. And let’s start with where to download WordPress and from which websites. From the .COM domain or the .ORG domain? Difference between and Many people encounter the initial issue of distinguishing between the .com and .org … Read more

How Easily fix the error of the AIO SEO in the Vue.php

Jak opravit chybu pluginu AIO SEO v souboru Vue.php

About a week ago, I migrated the website from the Yoast SEO plugin to the paid plugin All In One SEO (AIO SEO). After some time working on the website, I noticed a significant increase in the Apache web server’s error log. Unfortunately, AIO SEO kept generating a PHP error that was being logged, causing the log to expand considerably. In this article, we’ll take a look at how easily fix the error of the AIO SEO in the Vue.php file. We’ll examine the error the plugin is generating and also a very simple way … Read more

Easy Way To Displaying The Article Update In WordPress

Are you blogging on WordPress and have been doing so for a while? Then you might have an inkling that some of your articles are outdated and need an update. Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t inherently account for this, displaying only the date of the article’s initial publication. This could be counterproductive when a potential reader stumbles upon such an article and leaves the website, assuming it’s not current based on the date. That’s why it’s a good practice to show the date of the article’s last update as well. Why? Because it lets the reader know … Read more

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