How to change the WordPress theme

Jak změnit šablonu vzhledu ve Wordpressu

If you’re starting with WordPress, the first steps that will likely interest you will be related to the appearance of your website. And with that comes the change of the appearance template. It’s quite simple and very intuitive in WordPress. I would dare to say that choosing a template is more demanding than actually changing the appearance. There are hundreds of them, and not all of them are of high quality, both in terms of design and source code. So if you’re wondering how to change the WordPress theme, you’re in the right place. What … Read more

What is a child theme and how can you create one in WordPress?

jak vytvořit child template

What is a child theme and how can you create one? A child theme is a theme template in which you can make modifications to scripts without affecting the scripts of the main (parent) template. Technically, you upload a theme template to WordPress according to your preferences, and then create a child theme, or a derived version of it, using a plugin, for example. Then, you set the child theme as the primary theme in WordPress. The great advantage of this approach is that whenever you make manual code changes to the scripts of the … Read more

How to embed a Google calendar using iframe in WordPress


For WordPress as a content management system, there are many plugins that can work with Google Calendar. They can be used to add events as well as display already saved events. Today, I would like to show you how to embed a Google Calendar using an iframe in WordPress. This means creating a calendar on and then easily inserting it into a WordPress page without using plugins, using an iframe. It’s quick and it’s very simple. How to embed a Google calendar using iframe in WordPress How to create a new calendar? Assuming that … Read more

How to remove excess revisions in WordPress

wordpress main

If you’ve noticed a significant slowdown in your WordPress, it’s possible that a large number of revisions are blocking your site’s speed and responsiveness. From time to time, it’s a good idea to remove revisions, especially if you know there are old posts on your site that are unlikely to be significantly edited and that you won’t need to revert to older versions of those posts. So lets take a look, how to remove excess revisions in WordPress. Before deleting revisions, always carefully consider whether you will really need older versions of posts, or alternatively, … Read more

What is revision in WordPress?

Wordpress plugins main picture

You’ve probably found yourself in a situation in WordPress where you’ve made minor or major updates to an article, only to conclude that the original version was better. Since such situations are quite common, WordPress includes a feature called revisions. In short, when editing an article, older copies are automatically saved, which can be easily reverted to if necessary. If such a situation arises at the end of the editing process, this feature allows you to roll back the article along the timeline to the state it was in before the editing process began. So … Read more

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