How to change the default article category in WordPress

Jak změnit výchozí rubriku článku ve WordPressu

Once you add a new article to WordPress, it will automatically be assigned default settings. One of these default settings is the article category, which is set to “Uncategorized” by default. If you don’t assign a different category, the concept will be saved under this category automatically and manually, which can be inconvenient if you always need your article to be assigned to a different category. However, changing the default category in WordPress is possible and not difficult to do. In this article, you will learn how to change the default article category in WordPress … Read more

Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance

Web je dočasně nedostupný kvůli plánované údržbě

When updating the core of WordPress or its plugins or theme, an informational message appears on the website. WordPress uses this message to prevent users from accessing the website during the update process, as this could lead to unwanted actions that could negatively affect the result of the update. However, if you use shared hosting and exceed the limits set on the server, this message may remain “hanging” on the website continuously. Therefore, in this article, we will look at how to remove the message “Briefly Unavailable for Scheduled Maintenance” from the website. Briefly unavailable … Read more

How to add a website icon in WordPress

Jak u WordPressu přidat ikonu webu (favicon)

A website icon, also known as a favicon, is a small image that is typically displayed either in the browser tab or in bookmarks. It is an icon that personalizes the website and distinguishes it from others at first glance. Thanks to this icon, your users can easily identify your website among many open tabs or bookmarks. Let’s take a look at how to add a website icon in WordPress. How to add a website icon in WordPress To add a website icon, you need to access the theme settings. As an example, I will … Read more

The installation of plugins in WordPress

Instalace pluginů ve WordPressu

Plugins are an integral part of the content management system. They allow you to expand the basic functionality and settings of your website, which can greatly simplify your work. These can include add-ons for galleries, SEO, security, and many others. Installing plugins in WordPress is also very easy and can be done by anyone. So let’s take a closer look at how the installation of plugins in WordPress work. The installation of plugins in WordPress using the administration interface Probably the easiest way to install plugins in WordPress is through the administration interface. The process … Read more

How to remove the “remember me” button from the WordPress admin

Jak odstranit tlačítko "pamatovat si mě" z administrace Wordpressu

Logging in to WordPress admin allows you or your users to sealect the “Remember me” option, providing the convenience of skipping login credentials for future access. While the “Remember me” option in WordPress admin provides a convenient way to skip login credentials, it’s important to exercise caution when using this feature on shared or public devices. However, if used on a trusted personal device, the feature can save time and streamline the login process. This function in fact means, that the browser will store the access credentials in cookies and keep them for another two … Read more

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