What is Z-Index in Elementor and what is it used for?


Z-Index in Elementor is a feature that allows you to set the layer on which a particular element will appear. Each element on a page has its Z-Index value set implicitly, which determines how it will be displayed relative to other elements on the page. An element with a higher Z-Index will be displayed in front of an element with a lower Z-Index. Let’s take a closer look at the topic, what is Z-Index in Elementor and what is it used for? What is Z-Index in Elementor and what is it used for? To set … Read more

10 tips to start optimizing WordPress website for speed

Wordpress speed

In today’s fast-paced digital world, website speed is becoming increasingly important. Visitors expect fast-loading pages, and search engines like Google use website speed as a ranking factor. In this article, we will look at 10 tips to start optimizing WordPress website for speed. 10 tips to start optimizing WordPress website for speed Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) A CDN is a network of servers that distribute your website content across multiple geographic locations. By using a CDN, your website visitors can access your content from a server that is closer to their location, reducing … Read more

Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress?

proč mi nefunguje https na wordpressu?

You have WordPress installed, SSL certificate is active on your web hosting, yet you still ask yourself the basic question – “Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress?” The green padlock does not appear in the browser, instead, a padlock with a warning is displayed. The reason can sometimes be very simple. It’s called mixed content on the website. Why isn’t HTTPS working on my WordPress? To make HTTPS fully functional under all circumstances, the source code of the website must also be prepared for it. Simply put, all internal and external links used in … Read more

How to change the WordPress theme

Jak změnit šablonu vzhledu ve Wordpressu

If you’re starting with WordPress, the first steps that will likely interest you will be related to the appearance of your website. And with that comes the change of the appearance template. It’s quite simple and very intuitive in WordPress. I would dare to say that choosing a template is more demanding than actually changing the appearance. There are hundreds of them, and not all of them are of high quality, both in terms of design and source code. So if you’re wondering how to change the WordPress theme, you’re in the right place. What … Read more

How do you change your browser’s background color on a mobile device


You may have encountered this somewhere before, browsing the web on your mobile phone. For some sites, the browser has changed color to make its appearance fit into the overall contrast of the entire site. Make sure the browser has the same color tone as the site’s overall graphics. And maybe one of you thought of the question, how can you change the color of your browser’s background? The answer is, very simply, using a meta tag. But to see what I’m talking about on a case-by-case basis, I’ll show you an example: How do … Read more

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