How To Easily Regenerate Permalinks In WordPress


From time to time, the URL structure in WordPress may break. You can easily identify this issue on your website when you encounter a 404 error every time you click on a link. This can be frustrating, especially if you are unaware that fixing this error can be relatively straightforward. All you need to do is regenerate the permalink structure. I dare say that this solution resolves approximately 90% of cases involving malfunctioning URLs. The remaining 10% may be attributed to other errors, such as SSL certificate problems or others. In this guide, I will … Read more

5 Easy Ways How To Improve User Experience On WordPress

5 způsobů jak vylepšit uživatelskou zkušenost na WordPressu

The impression your website creates on people and how they feel while using it is crucial, especially when dealing with low traffic. The problem may arise from several factors that cause people to leave the website after a short while or even without reading the content you have published. Now, you can take a look at 5 easy ways how to improve user experience on WordPress that you can implement to attract more readers and increase both traffic and time spent on the website. Although there are only 5 of them, they are absolutely essential. … Read more

How to fix non-functional HTTPS in Vtiger CRM with two steps

Jak opravit nefunkční HTTPS u Vtiger CRM

Vtiger CRM system is a comprehensive software solution for customer relationship management (CRM), which serves for efficient organization and automation of business processes. This system allows companies to track, manage, and optimize all interactions with their customers. Like any other content management system or CRM, Vtiger also requires encrypted server-client communication for its secure operation. However, after transitioning to HTTPS, the protocol often doesn’t work properly, and the system keeps forcing traffic to HTTP. In this article, we will explore how to fix non-functional HTTPS in Vtiger CRM with two steps, specifically how to make the … Read more

How to easily fix the Wordfence plugin error

Kritická chyba pluginu Wordfence po změně serveru

Are you using the Wordfence security plugin on your website and have you migrated your WordPress to a different server? If you answered yes to both questions, it is highly likely that you have encountered or will encounter a critical PHP error for the “wordfence-waf.php” file. Below, we will discuss how such a critical Wordfence plugin error appears after server migration and how to easily fix the Wordfence plugin error. How To Easily Fix The Wordfence Plugin Error After Migration To a New Server When you migrate WordPress with the Wordfence plugin to a different … Read more

How to easy enable maintenance mode using Elementor

Jak na režim údržby webu pomocí Elementoru

Sometimes it may happen that a website is not functioning as it should. It could be a problem with a malfunctioning plugin, an update, or simply an issue caused by you. Before you fix the problem, it is undesirable for users to visit the website. And there are two specific reasons for that. The first reason is simple. You certainly don’t want your users to see a completely non-functional and broken website. Moreover, if it is a corporate website, it doesn’t leave a good impression, especially for new users. Such a person is likely to … Read more

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