How To Increase The Character Limit In The Excerpt In WordPress

Jak zvýšit počet znaků v excerptu u WordPressu

The term “excerpt” is probably new to many people. Let’s first briefly explain what it is. The excerpt is likely familiar to those who write blogs, but they may not be aware that this is the name for this WordPress feature. When writing a blog, you may have noticed that the articles are listed one … Read more

How to easily hide the admin panel for WordPress users

Jak skrýt admin panel pro uživatele WordPressu

One of the features of WordPress administration is the so-called admin panel. It is a toolbar that appears at the top of the administration area. It is also accessible in the browser even outside of the administration area if you remain logged into the system. Admin panel allows you, for example, to quickly edit posts, … Read more

How to add fetchpriority=”high” to featured images using a snippet?

Snippet pro přidání fetchpriority="high" k náhledovým obrázkům

The snippet in this article has a simple task. It adds the attribute fetchpriority=”high” to every featured image on your website or blog. This attribute ensures that the web browser prioritizes the featured image and tries to display it as quickly as possible. This can significantly help with measuring LCP metrics. So, if you’re looking … Read more

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