How to add fetchpriority=”high” to featured images using a snippet?

Snippet pro přidání fetchpriority="high" k náhledovým obrázkům

The snippet in this article has a simple task. It adds the attribute fetchpriority=”high” to every featured image on your website or blog. This attribute ensures that the web browser prioritizes the featured image and tries to display it as quickly as possible. This can significantly help with measuring LCP metrics. So, if you’re looking for a guide, how to add fetchpriority=”high” to featured images using a snippet, you can find it below. How to add fetchpriority=”high” to featured images using a snippet? What are featured images? Thumbnail images on WordPress websites play an important … Read more

Sorry You are not Allowed to Upload this File Type

Jak můžu ve WordPressu nahrát nepovolený typ souboru?

Are you using the WordPress content management system on your website? You probably know that for enhanced security reasons, it only allows uploading certain file types. These typically include files commonly used in computer work, such as images, documents, or videos. Unfortunately, any other less typical file formats are prohibited by default in WordPress and need to be manually enabled. If you have ever encountered the error message “Sorry You are not Allowed to Upload this File Type,” you are in the right place. Let’s take a look at how to handle it. Sorry You … Read more

How to permanently disable comments in WordPress

Jak ve WordPressu trvale vypnout komentáře

Comments on a website can be an effective way to gather feedback from users. They allow you to communicate with your community and exchange valuable information. However, despite this fact, there may be situations where comments are more of a hassle and not suitable for the website format. The good news is that using a snippet, they can be disabled. Permanently. In this article, you will learn how to permanently disable comments in WordPress using a snippet. How to Permanently Disable Comments in WordPress Using a Snippet What is the snippet? The Snippet feature in … Read more

How to delay display a new article in RSS on WordPress

Jak oddálit zobrazení nového článku v RSS ve WordPressu

Do you need to delay the display of your new WordPress post in the RSS feed? Extending the time it takes for your post to appear in the RSS feed can save you in bad situations. For example, you accidentally publish a post that is not ready. This gives you time to finish the post, correct any mistakes, and add missing parts. In this article, we will look at how to delay the display of a new post in the RSS feed in WordPress. Why delay the display of a new article in RSS? Sometimes, … Read more

How to insert custom codes into WordPress

Jak do WordPressu vkládat vlastní kódy

When making various modifications to the functions and behavior of WordPress, you may occasionally find yourself in a situation where you need to insert certain code into a file such as functions.php or a plugin file. This is not necessarily a problem if you are familiar with the basics of programming languages and know where to insert the code. The problem arises when you are not sure about this. Even a small mistake in inserting the code can have fatal consequences for your website. In this article, I will show you how to insert custom … Read more

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