How To Add New Records To A User In WordPress

Jak přidat nové záznamy k uživateli ve WordPressu

If you’re using a content management system for your website, you have the option to have more than one user within the system. If, for instance, you have an entire editorial team, it’s likely composed of numerous members. All of them probably have their profiles created within WordPress, through which they access the system. WordPress itself requires several essential things for user registration: a username, password, and email address. Optionally, you can also fill in the first and last name. However, what if you need to have more such information for users, such as a … Read more

Easy Way To Displaying The Article Update In WordPress

Are you blogging on WordPress and have been doing so for a while? Then you might have an inkling that some of your articles are outdated and need an update. Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t inherently account for this, displaying only the date of the article’s initial publication. This could be counterproductive when a potential reader stumbles upon such an article and leaves the website, assuming it’s not current based on the date. That’s why it’s a good practice to show the date of the article’s last update as well. Why? Because it lets the reader know … Read more

How to easily disable links in WordPress comments

Zakažte URL odkazy v komentářích WordPressu

Do you have comments enabled on your WordPress website? It’s a great way to gather feedback from your readers or engage in discussions on the topics you write about. However, like almost everything, comments come with their own challenges. One of them might be unwanted links that lead to websites you wouldn’t want to associate with your blog, even in the comments section. There’s a way you can easily prevent this issue. You can actually disable URL links in comments. If you want to steer clear of links for any reason, here’s a very simple … Read more

How to modify the length of the excerpt in WordPress

Jak upravit délku výňatku článku ve WordPressu

If you use the popular WordPress editorial system for your blog, you might be aware that it provides two options for displaying articles on the homepage. You can either show only an excerpt of the article or display the entire article. The choice is yours. In WordPress, we refer to the excerpt as ‘excerpt,’ and by default, WordPress limits it to the first 55 words. This means that on the homepage, you’ll see the article’s image, the first 55 words, and then a ‘read more’ link. Today, we’ll focus on how to modify the length … Read more

How to create a WordPress admin user using a script and FTP

Jak vytvořit admin uživatele WordPressu pomocí skriptu na FTP

Creating a WordPress user typically happens in two ways. The first is the classic method through the administration interface, and the second, for more experienced users, involves working directly in the database. However, let’s explore a third method that allows you to create a WordPress user very conveniently. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how to create a WordPress admin user using a script and FTP. The principle is simple: we’ll create a PHP file that we’ll easily upload to the website’s FTP. Subsequently, we’ll call it in a browser, and the magic will happen. The … Read more

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