How to Secure WordPress – Complete Guide 2024

Jak zabezpečit WordPress - kompletní průvodce 2024

WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used platforms for building websites in the world. Currently, it powers more than 40% of all websites worldwide. Its simple interface and rich customization options make it a popular choice for individuals and businesses. However, the popularity of WordPress also brings challenges, especially in the area of security. How to secure WordPress is a question many website creators ask, and there is no simple answer. Website security is a complex matter that requires time and effort. In today’s world, websites are frequent targets of hackers and … Read more

How to set up two-factor authentication for WordPress administration

Jak nastavit dvoufaktorové ověření administrace WordPressu

The security of access to the WordPress administration is a fundamental step in keeping your content management system safe from unauthorized access. To achieve this, it is possible to secure the administration with an additional verification step. With two-factor authentication, unauthorized individuals will not be able to access WordPress even if they know the correct login and password. Let’s take a look at how to set up two-factor authentication. Installation of the WP 2FA Plugin – Two-factor authentication for WordPress Two-factor authentication for accessing the WordPress administration can be easily set up using the free … Read more

WordPress 6.4.3 – what does the new update fix?

Jak ve WordPressu zakázat automatické aktualizace

This security and maintenance update, WordPress 6.4.3, includes 5 bug fixes in the core, 16 bug fixes in the Block Editor, and 2 security fixes. As it is a security update, it is recommended to promptly update your websites. You can download WordPress 6.4.3 from or perform the update from your admin interface. Click on “Updates” and then on the “Update Now” button. If you have websites that support automatic background updates, the update process will initiate automatically. What does WordPress 6.4.3 fix? WordPress 6.4.3 addresses several security issues and 21 additional bugs. For … Read more

How to easily mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress

Jak ztížit brute force útok do WordPressu

WordPress is a system currently used by approximately 40% of websites worldwide. Due to its widespread use, it is also a relatively common target for hackers seeking to access your data or simply damage your website. A brute force attack is a technique where a hacker tries usernames and passwords repeatedly until they find the correct combination. In this article, we will demonstrate how to mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress using three methods that are effective. How to mitigate a brute force attack on WordPress – 3 proven methods Method 1 – Disable … Read more

New WordPress 6.4.2 Fixes A Critical Bug. Do You Know Them?

Zakažte automatické updaty WordPressu pomocí snippetu

You might have already noticed that there’s a new version of WordPress out in the world, labeled as 6.4.2. This is another relatively quick update following the recent releases of versions 6.4 and shortly after, 6.4.1. WordPress 6.4.2 fixes a critical bug discovered by developers in the so-called ‘pop’ strings. This bug is critical primarily because it allows an attacker to remotely execute arbitrary code directly on the website without the website owner having any inkling about it. Where does the issue lie? The problem resides in the WP_HTML_Token class introduced in WordPress 6.4, which … Read more

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