How To Fix A Wrong URL Of The Homepage In WordPress

Jak opravit špatnou URL úvodní stránky ve WordPressu

The WordPress homepage is the page that appears first when you enter your domain in a web browser. WordPress has its own section in the settings dedicated to this page. Sometimes, the homepage can cause issues for many people. For example, when someone sets the homepage to use the HTTPS protocol but doesn’t have a valid certificate yet. Another problem can occur after migrating a website to a different domain, where WordPress stubbornly redirects to the old and original domain. Let’s see how to fix a wrong URL of the homepage in WordPress, using the … Read more

Easy Explanation: How To Better Use Memory Limit On WordPress

Jak na WordPressu funguje memory limit

The memory limit is a server restriction that is intentionally set by its administrator, and its size varies depending on the shared hosting provider. Generally, on web hosting, you can have memory ranging from 128 MB to 512 MB. The memory limit is a restriction. It determines the amount of memory a specific program or process can utilize on a computer. Let’s take a look in easy explanation: how to better use memory limit on WordPress. And why do so many people have issues with it? Easy Explanation: How To Better Use Memory Limit On … Read more

Do you need to obtain system information in WordPress?

Potřebujete ve WordPressu získat systémové informace?

Do you need to obtain system information in WordPress? WordPress can natively display many system information that can reveal important factors affecting your website. Such information may include PHP version, server PHP limits, FTP folders and their sizes, and more. WordPress is capable of displaying these system information directly in the administration interface. In this article, we will focus on where you can find system information in WordPress. We will explore a lesser-known item in the admin menu called “Site Health“. Do you need to obtain system information in WordPress? Site Health is a menu item … Read more

Best and Proven Practice For WordPress Update With Infographic

Schéma aktualizace WordPressu pomocí infografiky

WordPress is a modern and popular content management system used by hundreds of millions of websites and users worldwide. There are over 600 million blogs built on this beloved platform alone. Just like any other, slightly superior content management system, WordPress updates work very well. Let’s take a look at best and proven practice for WordPress update with infographic. It will provide you with several key points to keep in mind. Best and Proven Practice For WordPress Update With Infographic Why should you actually perform WordPress updates? It’s simple. If you look at the infographic, … Read more

Discover More About Article And Page In WordPress

Rozdíl mezi článkem a stránkou u WordPressu

In today’s digital era, creating websites has become commonplace, and terms like “page” and “article” are increasingly encountered in the WordPress context. While these terms may initially appear similar or even identical, there is a fundamental difference between them. In today’s digital era, creating websites has become commonplace, and terms like “page” and “article” are increasingly encountered in the WordPress context. While these terms may initially appear similar or even identical, there is a fundamental difference between them. In this article, you can discover more about article and page in WordPress, as well as their … Read more

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