How To Add New Records To A User In WordPress

Jak přidat nové záznamy k uživateli ve WordPressu

If you’re using a content management system for your website, you have the option to have more than one user within the system. If, for instance, you have an entire editorial team, it’s likely composed of numerous members. All of them probably have their profiles created within WordPress, through which they access the system. WordPress itself requires several essential things for user registration: a username, password, and email address. Optionally, you can also fill in the first and last name. However, what if you need to have more such information for users, such as a … Read more

Can ChatGPT Easily Substitute For People In Pharmacies?

ChatGPT neuspěl v otázkách medicínského charakteru

Many people have grown accustomed to using artificial intelligence as a regular part of their lives. Unfortunately, many also believe that the answers provided by this chatbot are always entirely truthful. However, that’s not the case. Researchers from Long Island University have now demonstrated that this could cause serious problems. And why did ChatGPT actually fail in medical questions posed by these researchers? What do you thing? Can ChatGPT easily substitute for people in pharmacies? Scientists have already provided us with an answer to this question. Medicine is currently an area where ChatGPT struggles significantly … Read more

How ChatGPT can make your work tasks easier

Patrně jste již o fenoménu umělé inteligence slyšeli, nebo možná něco četli. V tomto článku se podíváme na 7 věcí, se kterými Vám Chat GPT pomůže v zaměstnání.

The development of artificial intelligence in the form of language models or chatbots, if you will, is enormous. Not long ago, ChatGPT was only capable of writing a simple article. However, after over a year since its release, it can now work with images and audio. Moreover, its new version was trained on almost four times the amount of text compared to the original, older version. Because of this, you can use ChatGPT not only as a creative assistant in content creation but also as a substitute for your colleague at work. Whether ChatGPT helps … Read more

What is the ChatGpt? The Revolutionary AI Chatbot.

Co je to ChatGPT - Generative Pre-trained Transformer

Artificial intelligence is a term ubiquitous in today’s discourse, permeating nearly every facet of our lives. While its presence is evident in certain domains, in others, it remains largely uncharted. The landscape of artificial intelligence underwent a seismic shift with the advent of ChatGPT, often encapsulated in the question, ‘What is the ChatGpt?’ This marked the genesis of the first highly visible chatbot, widely embraced for catalyzing creativity and streamlining diverse tasks. We’ll delve deeper into the essence of ChatGPT in this article. What is the ChatGpt? The Revolutionary AI Chatbot Let’s start with a … Read more

Copyright Shield: Better Customer Protection by OpenAI

Open AI bude chránit své zákazníky

Do you often use artificial intelligence in your work, specifically ChatGPT? Then you probably know that this language model is trained on a vast amount of text data. As expected, much of that data is subject to copyright. Therefore, you may encounter text generated by ChatGPT that comes from data not to be used without the author’s knowledge and consent. Better Customer Protection by OpenAI will protect its customers in case of copyright infringement and will cover all financial costs arising from these issues. Copyright Shield: Better Customer Protection by OpenAI OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, … Read more

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